I mean the first time it happened, cool, they were drunk and things happened. Then she proceeds to say things are awkward, wants space and he agrees. They get forced to go home and then she continues to get drunk again, come onto him again, and then expresses how she doesn’t even have feelings for the guy right to his face AFTER she’s noticed he’s changed how he treats her. That’s pretty hurtful, and you can tell he felt some type of way about her words. The way she said it was like she was just using him as an experiment or something. It didn’t give her being in love especially not to him.

didnt he interpret it all by himself thinking he knows her best and all that?? he sat in his room and thought to himself “this is just how she is once shes curious she’ll do anything to get to the bottom of it, this is another one of her antics i’ll just wait for this to get over with” both he and she didnt realize they like each other yet, most fucking obvious thing in the comic so far they literally admitted it in recent chapters as well, both are currently trying to ignore the situation at hand while also tip toeing around with the sexual tension that happens every so often now in the recent chapters i cant believe youre blaming only the female lead on this when both are quite literally doing the same thing
another ML i feel bad for lol if the roles were reversed he’d be considered a piece of shite for doing this lolol