From what I’ve read, the age gap is 12 years. The seme never showed signs that he liked the uke when he was 5, that would be completely disgusting if he did. It didn’t state that he did wait for him to grow up. No signs of grooming at all. The uke is well mannered and mature, just like he should be if his dating an older man. I don’t see what the problem is, he didn’t show any signs of pedophilia or grooming. Since age gaps are common for parents, ts should be fine. I’ve seen people with 12-13 year age gaps. I don’t think age really matters unless you’re mature enough. I’m not saying a 10 year old should date a 30 year old but what I’m saying is that if you’re over 20+ you should date anyone you want. I don’t see why you find this inappropriate at all, they are both adults now. If you search up, the common age gap for parents are 26 years

when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked.
Are we claiming the right word here? Tell me what chapter said that any of that shit was grooming. We didn’t even see how they got together and your here assuming that he manipulated and abused our seme. You just called grooming anything istg. I’d like to hear what you gotta say.

I live in central europe and NO ONE here has that kind of f-ed up age gap, every older person I know has at most 5 years difference and even then they met as adults and not when one of them was a child. Looking at a kid and thinking that thats gonna be your future partner is beyond disgusting. Again you’re a danger to kids, never ever have any or get close to any you creepy pervert

Girl you’re LITERALLY a wall. Did you not read what i said. HE DIDNT RAISE HIM. You’re so funny. He had parents of his own. He considered the seme as a kid who admired him. Where did u see that the uke took care of him. It didn’t even show what happened or when he had feelings for him. I don’t recall the manga saying that he waited for our seme to grow and date him? Nor did it say that he waited for him to grow and date him. Your out of your mind.

did you literally not read the manga ???? the seme himself said he raised him good and we literally see them grow up together and how they start dating as soon as hes old enough. Stop being dense. Again its fine since its just a manga but you’re the one who made the relation to reality and if that was reality the seme should be in jail.

Clearly you don’t know everybody and their age gaps. It’s said that all over the country, states and citys, EVERYWHERE. That everyone have different age gaps of 12 and over. It’s COMMON. Just because you live in Europe and that you know a couple of people that have 5 years of age gap does not mean it isn’t normal for everyone to have a bigger age gap around the world. You’re clearly delusional and calling me a groomer and all types of words that I don’t recall on doing. Calling me a fucked up creep, your fucking crazy you make me wanna throw up. Fed up with delusions. Tell me a certain page and a chapter that it said the ukr waited for him to grow and date him. “ Looking at a kid and thinking that thats gonna be your future partner is beyond disgusting.”- LOL? If you’re gonna start an argument at least support it. He didn’t have feelings for him when he was a kid, other than that I wouldn’t even be in this argument if he did. lol you said that a 5 year age gap is okay, what if your partner was 5 and you were a baby. Wouldn’t that be weird. That’s literally what your saying. Age doesn’t matter it’s maturity. As I said in my other comments, a 30 year old shouldn’t date a 10 year old. If your mature enough, and if your over 20+ and again, MATURE, then you can date anyone you like. Your so dumb it’s embarssing stop talking to me. All you can call me is a creep when you can’t even support what your arguing about which is EMBARASSING.

I CLEARLY DID. Istg your a wall. Your calling me dense but your the one that dumbfounded. They met in an alley and the seme was a kid. The seme confessed to our uke because little seme liked our uke. “Kotaro has loved me the entire time he was just an adorable brotherly-type in the beginning, until his presence as a male grew.” WOOHOO did you see that?. The uke did not raise our seme buddy, someone please tell this cluesless dude that he didn’t. As I said again, our uke was fighting dudes, after the fight our deme came out and confessed his feelings to our seme. It doesn’t say anywhere that our seme was poor as a kid and didn’t have any parents. lol are you dumb. He didn’t raise him. Your dumb your making my head hurt . “ Again it’s fine since it’s just a manga but you’re the one who made the relation to reality and if that was reality the seme should be in jail.” Okay buddy. Let’s read the manwha again.

I don't think the age difference is the problem, the problem is that Kotaro grew up with an obsession with Mizuki which Mizuki, knowingly or not, took advantage of and nutured. Say what you want - that's still creepy and NOT normal!
Yall are blinded by Mizuki's "cuteness", but I'm sure if Kotaro was your child, you would and SHOULD be asking questions.
Everybody else is complaining about the age difference but have u seen other peoples parents age gaps? it’s normal yall chill