So what did the ML did for her to hate him? I marinated this for so long and I just saw a ...

Dzon't, Dzon't Do It June 13, 2024 2:06 am

So what did the ML did for her to hate him? I marinated this for so long and I just saw a spoiler about them already having kids. I don't plan on continuing to read this anymore because she apparently abandoned her son(such a btch). I just want to know what the ML did lol

    thegorilla June 13, 2024 6:43 am

    So essentially, he knew that Dietrich was supposed to die at war, but he didn't do anything about it. Fl essentially told him to tell her any lied that he had ever told her, and he told her everything except the fact that he knew Dietrich was supposed to die. She finds this out, and freaks out at him and then she leaves, he wants her to come back really badly. Dietrich is alive, but he has lost all of his memory. so basically, she is pregnant, Wilhelm comes to find her at her in luden, but she still won't talk to him. A couple of years later, the emperor finds out about Wilhelm's child and tellings fl to bring the child to the palace. She loves her son, but I think that he looks really similar to wilhelm, so she gets Dietrich to raise him. After she brings her son to wilhelm, Wilhelm frustrates her really badly, and she cuts her neck. After she wakes up, she tells Wilhelm to leave her alone. He refuses to, and after arguing, he says that he will leave her alone if she lets him 'have her for three days', so while she is injured and sick, he r***s her for 3 days, and leaves bruises on her body. This results in her being pregnant again, and she has a daughter. In the recent chapter, Wilhelm plans to use their son as a hostage to get to her. hope this helps

    Dzon't, Dzon't Do It June 13, 2024 9:00 am

    Thank you thank you thank youuuuuu so muuuchyeps really dropping this now they're both such awful parents