
Geek11 June 12, 2024 7:33 pm

So the emperor just accepted that he was infertile and didn't even question the birth of his previous children? Didn't wonder how he became infertile? In those times women were punished quite harshly even if there wasn't any proof. So for him to just accept that he only recently became infertile and all the previous kids are his is so absurd. He should have questioned the empress about his previous kids birth as well or at the very least, the author should have given some sort of other explanation

    Honeet June 12, 2024 11:12 pm

    I thought the same thing! The girl was wise to not question roots of his daughters since he was already mad, but shouldn't he think about it??

    Trodrigo June 13, 2024 12:19 am

    I think its probably an age thing. Its normal for men as they get older, to become less likely to fertilize a woman's egg. Just as it becomes harder for a woman to becomes pregnant and stop producing eggs. Theres nothing strange about it. He's an old man, so its accepted as such. Especially if his doctor thoroughly examined him, then his Dr would've told him its normal for his age

    Sifne June 13, 2024 5:12 am

    I thought emperor will question it and Vivian will answer it's prince's so that she could stick to the idea of her child being royal blood and it'll create more chaos

    Trodrigo June 13, 2024 2:34 pm
    I thought emperor will question it and Vivian will answer it's prince's so that she could stick to the idea of her child being royal blood and it'll create more chaos Sifne

    I mean, we can only see how it goes with the authors portrayal, but for now, im going with the age thing

    Sifne June 13, 2024 2:52 pm
    I mean, we can only see how it goes with the authors portrayal, but for now, im going with the age thing Trodrigo

    You don't have to wary of that
    Queen said "he's been infertile for quite some time" which means he wasn't always infertile

    ALE June 13, 2024 4:25 pm

    Exactly, that don't make no sense whatsoever the author could have come up with another excuse (scenario) to justify he was not the father of that child. I mean he old could have been anything at his age

    Kaizenix June 13, 2024 5:58 pm

    He's not infertile in the beginning that's why, as the words were "for quite some time" And not "has always been"