I don’t know if we read the same story, cause that means you’re either ci fused or tweaking. The uke literally threatened the seme into that twisted relationship of theirs, only for the sole purpose of sleeping with him cause he got a big D. I don’t think he should be the one you consider horrible if for you the seme is praise worthy
And your views concerning sex is actually concerning, eating ass or sucking dick is t a requirement in any form of relationship be it sexual if sentimental. A dick or an ass aren’t the cleanest part in the first place, forcing your partner to reciprocate is just as selfish as asking one sidedly. You should question your views
I never said he had to I said ' more semes should' more of a generalisation that alot of semes in fictional work do not give ukes the same pleasure that's given to them, I don't know why that would be concerning also it's simply my opinion and review on the story I'm glad you enjoyed the story and do not think much of what i say !
This was surprisingly a lot worse than I thought it would be I really liked the uke but wow how awful is the seme, I kinda hate him especially during the smut scenes he progressively got worse and worse....... Also more semes need to start eating ass or sucking dick back I despise when it's just one sided. I adored the uke he'd try to be nice every chance to the seme but in turn the seme was either rude or just horrible because some noble rejected him what a loser.