The manager must be the dumbest criminal ever, how on earth did he think this would end up. He basically just dragged her into his torture dungeon thinking he can beat her up no worries? No repercussions? Is this a bad comedy? Who writes this crap? If you want to create something shocking at least try to make it a little believable.
You’d be surprised how many dumb criminals like this exist. After all, he thought he was bringing a defenceless girl inside, didn’t know she would fight back. Lots of people tend to think they’re all that shit just cause they’re men.
The manager must be the dumbest criminal ever, how on earth did he think this would end up.
He basically just dragged her into his torture dungeon thinking he can beat her up no worries? No repercussions? Is this a bad comedy?
Who writes this crap? If you want to create something shocking at least try to make it a little believable.