
jade ★ June 12, 2024 9:48 am

I remember reading this when I was younger and loving it but now that I reread it, it's pretty meh.

I understand why people love this manga so much—for me, I usually just look into the plot rather than the sex scenes (they're just a plus) and the plot was mid. I also understand why people hate and that's fine; the trauma imo was underdeveloped and could've been explored more. For the misophobia, I don't have it myself but from what I have seen in a few comments, it isn't entirely accurate. Also because this manga is considered "problematic" which I won't state since it's obvious why(+the few arguments in the comments lmfao) and I get it—it's off putting for me tbh now that I've grown a bit older.

I think the manga is like only a three star because of the nostalgia and because I forgot how much I loved shirotani lol! I'd really love to get their figures one day tbh they're cute
