PorcelainMask June 12, 2024 5:57 am

Honestly, who in their right mind comes up with these kinds of stories???? I’m trying to my best to read all kinds of romance genres but who the frick romanticizes human trafficking and prostitution, and grape?!?!?!?! And don’t even get me started on the Stockholm Syndrome….I’m sorry, but I’m going to do my best to read this story until the end but I don’t think I can EVER read 36 chapters of this straight….whew…I can’t even imagine how Regria is handling this right now. If I found out that I was transported into another person’s body, both of us against our will…I would kill myself. One, not only is it disrespectful to use another person’s body against their will because I’m 100% sure it wasn’t (idk her name) her choice to become a divine vessel. Two, This bipolar ass dude, is acting like the weirdest thing ever; is she a dog? Like what even is this? I had a REALLY hard time continuing when he put a freaking dog collar on him. AND THREE, how in the world are those angels doing that of their own volition???? So in order to live in that world, they have to give up their rights and become a doll for psychotic magical people? Also, that Angel that talked with her…she had a husband and kid and her own life…and now she has to live with other men to cure their illness??? Maybe if they become mad by using their powers they shouldn’t use them or have them in the first place. Maybe it’s divine punishment for trying to covet god’s power. Let me say this again, if I was ever in that position, I’d kill myself than live for others. They don’t even give her a choice too. We aren’t even going to talk about how EVERY divine being acts like a barbarian and they drug them into being stable? I can’t believe people would ever write a story in which psychotic, narcissistic, selfish men summon women from other worlds to put them in ‘divine’ vessels that probably didn’t even want to be one in the first place, considering that the redhead’s original body owner’s parents were trying to get her in a marriage with another person before she became a vessel, and if those said divine beings don’t want to marry for sex and degradation; they will either be killed or if they claim to be a celibate but they still have to use themselves to heal those same psychotic, narcissistic, selfish men.

    I swear I was normal June 13, 2024 9:04 pm

    Sis can you pls summarise this in 2 sentences or less please

    PorcelainMask June 14, 2024 1:27 am
    Sis can you pls summarise this in 2 sentences or less please I swear I was normal

    I just wrote how someone can write a plot on human trafficking, especially towards women and how the main characters are basically forced into other people’s bodies against their will to be used, sexually, by psychotic, narcissistic, selfish men. I also said that they shouldn’t use their power since it makes them go mad, hence, it’s god punishment for covering his powers. I also said that I would kill myself in that situation because even if you claim celibacy; you still have be used by these men to ‘cure’ them. (Sorry, that’s three sentences)

    I swear I was normal June 14, 2024 8:32 am

    Ok much better and yes what you said is very true,, the story is fucked up

    TheRandomSilverette July 8, 2024 10:53 am

    I mean I don’t think it’s romanticizing those things necessarily. Mc knows it’s wrong and wants to run. It’s a pretty dark genre and is messed up, but a lot of stories are messed up and still have great writing. A lot of women back then also had no choices with their body and ig it kinda is true to that aspect. I hope to hell that Mc doesn’t end up with the prince tho he’s disgusting.

    PorcelainMask July 28, 2024 11:52 pm
    I mean I don’t think it’s romanticizing those things necessarily. Mc knows it’s wrong and wants to run. It’s a pretty dark genre and is messed up, but a lot of stories are messed up and still have great... TheRandomSilverette

    This story is ass wdym.