A lot of if not most cultures that have tribal tattoos view people outside of their culture as disrespectful if they get tribal tattoos since a lot of them have meanings that are important to that cultural and it’s not insinuated that Muhyeok is part of a cultural that hold those tattoos as something very important so it’s super disrespectful

“Just a pattern” is a phrase that clearly shows just how little you understand how ingrained certain things can be for people within cultures. That’s very devaluing to cultural practices. Just because they didn’t know any better or you don’t understand why it can be important for people within those cultures doesn’t mean that it cannot cause hurt. Otherwise, neglect for example wouldn’t be a thing. It’s still neglect even if the person didn’t mean to. Granted, neglect doesn’t apply to this, it is merely an example.
I’m more curious as to why you’re defending culture appropriation. And yes, I myself am not from a Caucasian background so I do find it a bit offensive when people claim smth that’s a part of a culture that isn’t theirs as smth that isn’t important or doesn’t have important history and/or tradition behind it. It’s not that difficult to have done some research first and chosen smth that wasn’t so culturally aligned. Either that, or given him an actual reason behind cultural tattoos. Of course, in the end we can’t really change anything about it, we’re just expressing our disappointment which we, just like you, have the right to do.
If you don’t understand why we’re explaining this, maybe do some research on cultural appropriation or on tribal tattoos. If you want to simply dismiss smth as “just a pattern” I can’t help you there but I’m just trying to show you my (a POC) point of view.

Well my point of view comes from not carrying about things that don't effect others, if someone would want to use my culture symbols because they look cool, I wouldn't mind. I think your point is valid while talking about using some else culture without respect for example, Nazis used sphastic orginaly symbol of peace for genocide, but since it's never mentioned in the series we can assume there wasn't any ill will behind choosing this pattern. I think we shouldn't be so quick to be offended on others over small things, we have much bigger word problems then taking inspiration from other cultures art/traditions/ect., I recommend donating some funds for charity organizations that helps people from whatever culture you will feel offended for instead of wasting time and energy on moral debates over fictional comics, you will feel so much better after that

I’m just explaining my own POV as a queer person of color -shrug- just because it’s a gay webtoon doesn’t mean people can’t have serious discussions (god how boring and mindless would that be). Also, life often imitates art and vice versa so it’s not that far of a reach considering how history works but again, idk man, I’m just expressing my own opinion just like you are

What does a burglar have to do with anything of this topic? That’s literally not my logic at all I’m so confused bc I never said anything about justifying anything! And no art history was very racist! Literally go look up how poc are resembled in earlier American art. That’s why a lot of people tend to be a little iffy on things when it comes to cultural appropriation
Doesnt matter how much hot Muhyeok is, i cant stop hating the fact that he only has tribal tattoos