Listen Mf you are just another tenant, DON'T ACT LIKE A MATURE SAVIOR WITH ROMANTIC INTEREST THE FUCK. that is a CHILD. Just because she have a troubled life and personality or whatever, DOESN'T MEAN SHE NEEDS SAVING FROM YOU. she didn't ask for it. You (an adult) HANGING AROUND A CHILD, comforting them and being their literally only social connection with you developing romantic interest ISN'T GOOD. IT IS GROOMING.???? Like you can just be a friend and not be a weirdo abt it man. YOU'RE NOT "SAVING" HER FROM ANYTHING. yes she isn't the best at emotions and social connections, doesn't mean she needs help. It's so weird that you are doing all these things, it's not saving if you're doing it bc of a savior complex Mf.
Listen Mf you are just another tenant, DON'T ACT LIKE A MATURE SAVIOR WITH ROMANTIC INTEREST THE FUCK. that is a CHILD. Just because she have a troubled life and personality or whatever, DOESN'T MEAN SHE NEEDS SAVING FROM YOU. she didn't ask for it. You (an adult) HANGING AROUND A CHILD, comforting them and being their literally only social connection with you developing romantic interest ISN'T GOOD. IT IS GROOMING.???? Like you can just be a friend and not be a weirdo abt it man. YOU'RE NOT "SAVING" HER FROM ANYTHING. yes she isn't the best at emotions and social connections, doesn't mean she needs help. It's so weird that you are doing all these things, it's not saving if you're doing it bc of a savior complex Mf.