not justifying age gaps at all, but i think thats the point of this, it’s not illegal because heeseo is 19 but is certainly veryyy weird. it’s supposed to be weird and fucked up, and the age gap where the younger guy is practically begging for the older guy is supposed to reflect how immature heeseo is and how vulnerable he is. i think taekyung cares about heeseo but i don’t think he loves him necessarily?? like it’s more of a “i fee bad for you” love so to me it’s one-sided, and the younger adoring the older trope is very common. and taekyung is very clearly a pushover while heeseo is controlling and immature so i think theyre relationship is meant to be weird and toxic at least for the first season
I’m so uncomfortable with the wide age gap with one being a minor, please someone tell there’s a timeskip before they get it on