so the entire sexual assault thing. what was it for? to show asa likes denji? we already knew that. like why did this happen. and now we're already onto the next thing. csm so washed man. nobody can tell me there was a reason for those chapters because nothing has been happening for tens of chapters. gratuitous sexual assault for just no reason
To show yoru's primal ,impulsive and desperate need of connection Good boy Requiem
even so it's done in such a way that has not been built up as well as it could have been. it feels disappointing compared to how things were expertly written in part 1.
even so it's done in such a way that has not been built up as well as it could have been. it feels disappointing compared to how things were expertly written in part 1. squirtle
so the entire sexual assault thing. what was it for? to show asa likes denji? we already knew that. like why did this happen. and now we're already onto the next thing. csm so washed man. nobody can tell me there was a reason for those chapters because nothing has been happening for tens of chapters. gratuitous sexual assault for just no reason