Extra info

beyblade June 11, 2024 8:20 pm

Sorry in advance; seems like I can’t post links. I’ll try posting them in my reply.

I found some interesting tidbits while scouring the internet (had to use the wayback machine way too often cause the author’s naver and twitter posts were all deleted; get a life me ;;-;;):

- Seungtaek graduates law school and becomes a military judge in the future
- Seungtaek can play the piano but has a poor sense of aesthetics
- If there’s a musical evaluation for class: Vice President has a good singing voice, Seunghee’s voice is quiet so the teacher always tells him to sing louder, Seungtaek just sings as the teacher tells him to so he doesn’t ruin it, Soohyuk sings casually, and Kyubin can’t hold back his laughter and starts giggling as he sings
- Kyubin makes a cameo in S to A
- Unlike Kyubin (solo since birth), Seungtaek dated a girl for one week in elementary school (can you even consider that dating?)
- Kyubin and Seungtaek are each other’s first love
- Kyubin always imagines his daily life living with Seungtaek
- Seungtaek stays a Fancy fan but Kyubin no longer follows her
- Seungtaek and Kyubin both like soccer but root for different teams. When they watched soccer together, they get into fights. So now, they don’t watch soccer matches together anymore
- Only Seungtaek can eat spicy food well while the rest of the main cast can’t handle spice
- Both Inbeom and Soohyuk smoke in high school, while Seungtaek starts smoking in college (the other two leads don’t smoke)
- After finding out that Seunghee dislikes the smell of cigarettes, when they start officially dating, Soohyuk quits smoking. For the rest of his life, Seunghee never knew Soohyuk smoked
- Seunghee’s ears aren’t pierced
- Seunghee may or may not have debuted as an idol (up for interpretation) (but the author wrote on their naver post that if Seunghee were to go on Produce, he would initially gain popularity due to his looks but because he’s always quiet and lack screen time, he gets eliminated from the preliminaries; there was an AU (couldn’t find link) on twitter of Idol Seunghee - doesn’t smile much but listens well - and jealous Soohyuk)
- Of the main characters, Soohyuk gets jealous the most
- Seunghee likes cats while the other four leads like dogs

Kyubin’s friend group at Karaoke and Restaurant settings:
- Kyubin sings hip hop at karaoke bars but his friends always press stop after the first verse. Soohyuk will sing a ballad and then shake the tambourine for an hr
- At BBQ, Kyubin is surprisingly the type to step forward and grill the meat while Soohyuk is the type to refill the vegetable and side dishes
- Neither Kyubin nor Soohyuk have much of a sense of belonging to the group that they hang out with but they have a lot of fun together

- Y’all probably already know the existence of the author’s dillyhub account. Apparently these are the stories: 10 years later r19 scene of SooSeung, what happened to KyuTaek at the sports festival (according to comments, Taek was proactive while Kyu was shy) and the misters side story (Incomplete Combustion) but these content are either deleted (most likely) or age restricted so you have to send proof of age (is it worth it though? prob not and i don’t think it would add much to the story anyway)

- And lastly, I wanna make a mini Soohyuk appreciation post cause I feel bad for doubting him after reading his POV. He is so bbygirl-coded. Like how his heart was beating so fast despite trying to look calm at the movies. Or when he didn’t look at Sunghee in the karaoke room bc he was nervous and didn’t want to show it. Or how he’s always aloof around everyone else but is always clings to Seunghee and only shows him kindness. Or when he is a chronic oversleeper but wakes up before Seunghee to make breakfast. Oh and that scene with his dad when he tells him he also knows what it feels like to fall hard for someone at first sight ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    beyblade June 11, 2024 9:39 pm

    welp seems like I can’t send links either… it’s fine. it was only three twitter images that i wanted to show. hopefully descriptions are ok lol

    but if you really want to see the images:
    on wayback machine, type in twitter . com / bariee_2 / status / number

    remove spaces, replace ‘number’ with the numbers below

    Two twitter posts about 3rd year HS:
    - sketch of Seungtaek (staring at Seunghee, “hi”) and Seunghee (diverting eye contact, “uh, hi”) in 3rd year:
    - caption: “when you’re in 3rd year, say hello still”
    - number: 1234138243765018624

    - sketch of Kyubin “Yaa! Kwon Soohyuk!”, arm wrapped around a npc friend, calling out to Soohyuk from afar while Soohyuk covers his face with a hand (“yo”)
    - caption: “When they move up to third grade, Kyubin will greet him from afar, and Soohyuk will cover his face with his hand as if he is saying hello (he doesn't like having his name called out loud outside).”
    - number: 1235269327512731648

    This image is my fav so far:
    - winter clothes; Seunghee in Soohyuk’s arms looking tenderly at him. Seunghee’s hand (gloved) holds onto Soohyuk’s cheek while Soohyuk has one arm embracing Seunghee and the other holding Seunghee’s hoodie zipper
    - caption: “Cold Cold (freezing emoji)”
    - number: 1216969894962483202

    Camp out June 23, 2024 4:38 am

    I super interested in these side stories! Is it possible to let me know where to find them?

    Camp out June 23, 2024 4:41 am
    I super interested in these side stories! Is it possible to let me know where to find them? Camp out

    I'm* typo whoops

    beyblade June 23, 2024 2:00 pm
    I super interested in these side stories! Is it possible to let me know where to find them? Camp out


    that’s the link to the creator’s dillyhub, but i think the contents got deleted. the other possibility is that it’s under age restriction in which case u have to email the staff at dillyhub with ur ID or other proof of age. there should be instructions online

    Camp out June 23, 2024 11:20 pm
    https://k.dillyhub.com/space/oaabshlbko34l4a/projectsthat’s the link to the creator’s dillyhub, but i think the contents got deleted. the other possibility is that it’s under age restriction in which case... beyblade

    Oo thanks so much! Is it still possible to look at deleted posts on there through wayback machine? I tried putting the link in wayback, but it says it's not archived :(.

    Just wondering if I'm using the wrong username or something

    beyblade June 23, 2024 11:34 pm
    Oo thanks so much! Is it still possible to look at deleted posts on there through wayback machine? I tried putting the link in wayback, but it says it's not archived :(.Just wondering if I'm using the wrong use... Camp out

    if it’s not archived, then unfortunately, u can’t

    Camp out June 24, 2024 4:33 am
    if it’s not archived, then unfortunately, u can’t beyblade

    darn, thanks for the help tho