She's better than me, if i was her, i would've killed that girl immediately. Its so easy k...

Hyunnnn [51%] June 11, 2024 4:18 pm

She's better than me, if i was her, i would've killed that girl immediately. Its so easy killing her: she's not a noble, not blood related, commoner?, and she's also a bitch. And after that i will do the same thing as she did to her husband; find his weakness, threaten him, divorve him, imprison him/kill him.

    Hyunnnn [51%] June 11, 2024 4:19 pm

    Plus the fetus is yet to be formed, so there were really no life inside the womb yet. So you would'nt feel guilty about it.

    Geek Goddess June 11, 2024 6:20 pm
    Plus the fetus is yet to be formed, so there were really no life inside the womb yet. So you would'nt feel guilty about it. Hyunnnn [51%]

    I 100% agree with everything you said. And if she was farther along, I would've locked her up in a secret place and kept her alive and healthy enough for the baby to grow healthy. Then when she had it, I would take the baby and give it to a commoner couple who are desperately wanting a child, but may be having trouble at having one. The child didn't ask to come into this world so and I want to make sure it has a chance with a nice family.

    Then torture the bitch until my anger subsides, which would be when she dies. Ya know....these scheming bitches in these stories are getting too comfortable at sleeping with someone else's man. And the my husband??? He won't be able to procreate ever. Then again, he wouldn't need to after I'm done with him. *coughs*

    Cherry Tomato June 11, 2024 9:14 pm

    Sorry, meant to like.

    boomers June 12, 2024 6:57 am
    Plus the fetus is yet to be formed, so there were really no life inside the womb yet. So you would'nt feel guilty about it. Hyunnnn [51%]

    lwk i have a feeling she's faking the pregnancy or she's pregnant by someone else

    Mrsherb June 12, 2024 10:50 am

    I love this. It's perfect (≧∀≦)