Okay why is it genuinely funny to me that he gives the top shit for simply existing as a r...

June 11, 2024 4:10 pm

Okay why is it genuinely funny to me that he gives the top shit for simply existing as a rich man since ch 1, but when the top says he got revenge and killed people violently cuz of the bottom (as he should of course I love it), the bottom is like yay :) LMAO. What happened to your stubborn ass morals you keep punishing him and yourself with????? so it’s okay if the top commits murder for you but you get mad at him for literally everything else? Make it make sense bottom!!!!!!! Lmao I love comedies so much.

    miaumisina June 11, 2024 4:13 pm

    I mean I saw it as he had morals but with all the stuff he went through and how much pain he got from some people he starting to lose some of them. Besides, people are like this. We can all be talking about morals all day but one rhing is we are all petty af when it comes to holding grudges

    June 11, 2024 4:18 pm
    I mean I saw it as he had morals but with all the stuff he went through and how much pain he got from some people he starting to lose some of them. Besides, people are like this. We can all be talking about mor... miaumisina

    But all that happened to him was because of his stubbornness and insecurities… that’s why i thought it was funny that he was ok with murder lmao

    miaumisina June 11, 2024 4:34 pm
    But all that happened to him was because of his stubbornness and insecurities… that’s why i thought it was funny that he was ok with murder lmao

    Ofc not gonna say your view isn’t right, tbh I can relate to his thinking sometimes, out of insecurity i made a lot of stupid mistakes that maybe someone who is normal wouldn’t do.

    lolly June 11, 2024 11:11 pm

    It’s been forever since I started reading it and I may not remember everything, however, I always saw it as him having certain boundaries and being sensitive when they are being crossed. Seungeon was never taught to respect things like that and that was the whole crux of their conflict.
    I also agree with the previous comment that some people start seeing more gray areas as they become older. And with the life Jiwook lived, I feel like he’s just too damn tired to gaf anymore

    June 12, 2024 1:30 am
    It’s been forever since I started reading it and I may not remember everything, however, I always saw it as him having certain boundaries and being sensitive when they are being crossed. Seungeon was never ta... lolly

    His behavior from the get go has been awful. His pride and prejudice pushed everyone who didn’t have bad intentions away since day 1. His behavior towards the top and his own damn father since the beginning was ridiculous. And then he would view himself as the victim regardless and get into worse situations that could have easily been avoided. It’s one thing to be scared and insecure. But he not ONLY holds it in, but also acts out against those who try to lend a hand. That’s just ignorance and self sabotage. That’s why he keeps apologizing as the ending gets closer. *spoiler* but he’s gonna learn his lesson AGAIN and it’s tiring. *end spoiler*

    It’s frustrating. Cuz he was being ridiculous. Plus he’s so nice to people who literally never did anything positive or helpful to him (cough the drug addict) since day 1!!!!! Even the early example when he found out about the truth about the cold medicine the top gave him, he just moved on right away like okay whatever I still don’t like that you’re so rich and I’m so poor and I bring you down! The top who isn’t perfect, whatever, has always explicitly voiced his feelings tho. Always said. Those things don’t matter. I just want to be with you. The bottom? Thought bubbles and then running away. Taking advantage of the tops feelings 100%. It’s ridiculous.

    Everyone saying the top attacked him! The bottom has had this attitude from the beginning!!! Even before they kissed let’s bffr.

    Mirage June 12, 2024 3:13 am
    His behavior from the get go has been awful. His pride and prejudice pushed everyone who didn’t have bad intentions away since day 1. His behavior towards the top and his own damn father since the beginning w...

    dear, the bottom is wrong but you have to see two side, the top is worse, sure he reach salvation around bottom, but as much as it is, he can't make the bottom felt secure, he kept pushed him to come to his side forcefully, bottom surely can't think right if he has that many circumstances, you can't say he's ridiculuos just from one side, jiwook has a terrible past on him, and he has no one to depend on, if anything what top need first is to know his circumstance,be his friend first, and I could see that bottom also wished for that, and he for once thinking that the top will make him felt comfort while he knew it's all delusion, I get that bottom is selfish, but didn't the top too, both need to have a deep talk, bottom already traumatised much and the way top handle thing is not making him feel better, if anything, I can say that as of now, it's more akin to calm before the storm

    June 12, 2024 4:17 am
    dear, the bottom is wrong but you have to see two side, the top is worse, sure he reach salvation around bottom, but as much as it is, he can't make the bottom felt secure, he kept pushed him to come to his sid... Mirage

    Like I said top isn’t perfect. I don’t think he’s as bad as some readers feel, but that’s just my opinion. My post isn’t about him anyway.

    My post is about my frustration with the bottom. He’s the one that pisses me off. Even when the top isn’t in the picture he’s still annoying as hell. And makes the most stupid decisions.

    But by the end he realizes his mistakes and how he’s at fault. So that’s interesting! Only took 14 years;;; ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Anyway these are just my thoughts! Not everyone has to agree with me or you or anyone else!

    lolly June 14, 2024 11:17 pm
    His behavior from the get go has been awful. His pride and prejudice pushed everyone who didn’t have bad intentions away since day 1. His behavior towards the top and his own damn father since the beginning w...

    Okay and? Did you even mean to reply to *my* comment? Because who are you arguing with here? Like, I never said he was innocent and the top is the only one to blame or some shit, you bffr.
    He obviously fucked up a lot too and tho I don’t agree with everything you said, I’m not gonna debate with you on this because I can already tell it’s gonna take forever.
    However, to clarify my earlier comment, I meant that his actions and ‘awful’ behaviour weren’t dictated by some misplaced high ground morals, as I see it, but his personal boundaries being broken and thus defence mechanisms. He wasn’t comfortable with taking money from someone he knew for a few months, he wasn’t comfortable with non-consensual touches throughout basically the whole series, being lied to, imprisoned and a lot of other things. And while it may seem ridiculous, conceited and whatever else to you, it shouldn’t matter. Him and the top should have talked it out, if not and the top found the situation unfair, he had any right to kindly fuck off. The bottom never forced his company upon him, it was always the other way around or with top’s consent.
    I have been reading it for a few years now
    and actually rather enjoy it, contrary to most comments. The top is not as bad as they are in some manhwas, I don’t hate him. But yeah, be for real. The bottom could be the most sensitive person on the planet, some may even say he’s playing the victim and that’s a controversial topic, however, what he is not is a freaking rapist. No ‘manipulation’ or ‘taking advantage of smn’s feelings’ can excuse rape. They are both bad but not the same level of bad.

    June 17, 2024 10:46 am
    Okay and? Did you even mean to reply to *my* comment? Because who are you arguing with here? Like, I never said he was innocent and the top is the only one to blame or some shit, you bffr.He obviously fucked up... lolly

    The bottom was a piece of shit from chapter one. Before anything else happened. I don’t care about anyone else’s behavior.

    lolly June 29, 2024 12:51 am
    The bottom was a piece of shit from chapter one. Before anything else happened. I don’t care about anyone else’s behavior.

    I can see that