I wish we had more insight into Jigu. I wanna know what he was thinking when he saw that Y...

grisfox June 11, 2024 1:01 pm

I wish we had more insight into Jigu. I wanna know what he was thinking when he saw that Yeowoon's character looks uncannily like him.

I also wanna know what's up with "JiMoon". I wonder if it isn't actually JiStar/Jigu.

I wonder how the story is going to move forward now that Jigu has figured out Yeowoon is Neutaaaa.

    Tiaralovess June 11, 2024 1:03 pm

    yeowoon knows that his charac looks like jigu, he said it himself that the character is based on his "neighbor" . and its confirmed that jimoon is actually jistar. jigu said he just wanted some alone time was it? (kind of spoiler im sorry)

    grisfox June 11, 2024 1:10 pm
    yeowoon knows that his charac looks like jigu, he said it himself that the character is based on his "neighbor" . and its confirmed that jimoon is actually jistar. jigu said he just wanted some alone time was ... Tiaralovess

    I didn't get to see the update, so I didn't know. ToT
    But I was looking through the photos and I saw that part. I only read to chapter 39.

    I guess I'm just overly suspicious because I was thinking that maybe Jimoon was the stalker and they were lying and pretending to be Jistar. But I think that's probably not the case. Jigu is just a bit of an enigma.

    Tiaralovess June 11, 2024 1:18 pm

    it wasnt included in the bot update here, ive been reading the raws HHAHAHAAH

    Myllie1 June 11, 2024 2:34 pm
    I didn't get to see the update, so I didn't know. ToTBut I was looking through the photos and I saw that part. I only read to chapter 39. I guess I'm just overly suspicious because I was thinking that maybe Jim... grisfox

    You can find the rest on topreadmanga (dot com) or the novel through novelupdates (dot com).
    Jigu saw how similar neutaaa's new skin was to him and got freaked out thinking neutaaa is his neighbor (who he thinks is a pervert with sex slaves) so he logged off of his main acc (earth's star). But he couldn't stay away from his friends so he made a secondary account, earth's moon and tried to act detached cuz he was uncomfortable with the situation and with neutaaa. Later on he explains he did it because he "needed some time for myself".
    He gets over it pretty quickly whenever neutaaa shows affection or admiration since he becomes shy easily.

    grisfox June 12, 2024 1:33 am
    You can find the rest on topreadmanga (dot com) or the novel through novelupdates (dot com).Jigu saw how similar neutaaa's new skin was to him and got freaked out thinking neutaaa is his neighbor (who he thinks... Myllie1

    I seeeeee