Just saw the recent raw chapter

Miracle.Metal June 14, 2024 6:08 am

Forgot to click the spoiler button.
So the both doyeon and yoyoung got drunk, and doyeon was really close and somewhat clingy to yiyoung. Kang noticed and got jealous. He also noticed how yiyoung and doyeon easily became comfortable to each other.

And then in next few chapters, yiyoung called Kang (maybe he tried to call him so that they can meet up or date or something) unfortunately Kang was busy in a business meeting. Sad yiyoung tries to walk around then a car stopped in front of yiyoung, it was drived by doyeon. He asked yiyoung if they can eat (?), idk if he said it was a date or what. But yiyoung didn't really think any malicious about the invite so he joined doyeon.

While waiting for their food, yiyoung received a call from Kang. He answered and then Kang found out about their situation. Got mad and had an argument with yiyoung. Yiyoung had some realization after ending the call with Kang, and apologized to doyeon that he had to leave early and can't join him to eat.

He rushed to go to Kang's. Kang was really mad, I think yiyoung tried to explain but they just had another argument. Mad director Kang looks scary huhuhu. During their argument, Doyeon called yiyoung and he answered. Yiyoung told something to doyeon, and doyeon laughed. Kang noticed that the call was from doyeon, got more pissed. He grabbed yiyoung and kissed him roughly. Biting, groping, and just being rough with him.

Director Kang said something in the end that shocked yiyoung.

Anyway, I think there's gonna be a rough sex next chapter. I bet Kang will leave a lot of noticeable love marks to yiyoung.
