koi and ai is explained very well in mangafox by lxnear... i'm just copy pasting for every...

zed February 18, 2013 8:48 pm

koi and ai is explained very well in mangafox by lxnear... i'm just copy pasting for everyone's benefit...
恋 (koi)- this roughly translates to "love," but that is not exactly right. This is, from my understanding, generally used between couples that have been going out for a while, or someone who wants to demonstrate how much they truly like someone (as in, I love you, please go out with me). In the latter case, said person would still be looked upon strangely.

愛 (ai)- this still translates to "love," however it is only used in the strictest sense. New couples would never use this. This is reserved for the one you are marrying, or someone who you would like to. It is considered to be the "purest form of love there is."

A.K.A. if you say "愛してる" (aishiteru) to your boy/girlfriend in front of a native speaker (or really anyone who is studying Japanese and has been for a while), you will essentially be shunned and be deemed a poser. (also, friends don't say this to each other)

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard this between anime/manga nerds about someone else, and every time, I want to smack them.
(I am not a native speaker, but I have been studying Japanese for quite a while)

Essentially, here's a list of how to say "I like you" or "I love you" and how extreme is is.

好き (suki)- Said about anything you like, kind of.
Ex: I like you (as a friend or confession ^^), I like that show, I like that song, I like that band member, I love your new outfit, I love my dog, etc.

大好き (daisuki)- "I have a big like" generally used for your boy/girlfriend for the first year or so of the relationship. Also used for something that you absolutely love. Do not use NEARLY as much as suki.
Ex: I love you, and that's pretty much it. If you want to proclaim that you love something else, use suki or you will be looked at quite strangely.

恋 (koi)- this is generally only used for a great "love love" relationship. Really only used if you've been going out for a while. Not quite love, so is rarely used for anything, really. Still not quite sure on the exact context you would use this. Most likely when you want to tell them you love them more that daisuki, but not quite ai.

愛 (ai)- Only, I repeat, ONLY used in a completely serious relationship. Not a "we're only 16, but I know that I wanna stay with you forever because I love you" type thing. More like "we're in college (22+), and I'm very serious about marrying you, and I truly love you from the bottom of my heart"

    Anonymous August 24, 2013 10:38 am

    wtf? then Ei and Kenji are definitely ai and not koi!