Ssomi. June 11, 2024 12:31 am

Y'all SLEEP on such a gem like this. Bunch of crazy plot twists (like literally☠☠), crazy cool characters, and the awakening of Fighter D who decides to not be tied with sides and go for his own path of revenge. Justice or madness, he walks to his very own path of chaos. He isn't exactly OP, which is the best part of him being the MC.

But I wonder, where did that footsoldier who disguised as a policeman go?1?1?1? We had him for the illusionary school arc and now he's gone WTF

    kipi! June 13, 2024 2:21 am

    i think thats actually D! he tricked Magatia into thinking hes the police officers so he can go back to the illusionary world