I agree with all of this!!! Just because he made a realistic comment that mc may meet other ppl or have other relationships in the future, doesnt mean he wants to or is waiting to break up!!! it also doesn't mean mc should go around fishing for other dudes WHILE in a relationship!
I'm sure all the annoying stupid stuff that you're talking about is going to happen sadly.. because mc is immature unfortunately. A relationship isn't a competition.

Yes, most blame the director for what he said to the point that you think he is really a bad person..
we all make mistakes and sometimes express ourselves wrongly, and say things we regret, this happens of course....
so I don't think the director deserves to be deleted just for saying that, it's not as if he treats Yiyoung badly or doesn't love him....
but look at the MC's actions, they are immature to the point of stupidity....
and the strange thing is that they blame the director for his anger and that he should understand Yiyoung because he is older and more experienced, even though the MC created a situation that is misunderstood no matter who the person in front of you ...
In order to distinguish whether what you are doing is right or wrong you only have to be an adult and have a mind i think, so as I said before, lack of experience does not justify his actions and what he will do in the future
( Maybe or yes it will happen)..
relationships as you said are not competition but understanding, communication and respect..
And it seems that this arc (jealousy one) will be free of that, maybe a little in the end ..
I know the director is wrong and his drunk talk was really annoying, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like Yiyoung, or he wishes he would break up with him,
he's really a good boyfriend, Instead, I think he didn't express what he wanted correctly, and didn't choose his words well....
Yiyoung had to talk to the director and understand what he meant and work it out together..
but I don't know based on the last chapter, I don't think things are okay, Yiyoung went out to eat together with someone who told him he likes him, and he keeps hiding it....
I don't think that lack of experience in relationships has anything to do with what he's doing. ..
He realizes that what he's doing is wrong, but he keeps doing it, and he's happy that a handsome, rich guy is interested in him....
he's really immature, this will cause a lot of misunderstandings, no matter how exaggerated Yiyoung's thinking is.....
the truth should be told especially when he saw the director misunderstood and very angry, (my priority is my boyfriend and not someone else)....
I really hate stupidity... and I think this will continue, given the cover, maybe he brought someon like that to make the director jealous, Or it would be worse and more dramatic maybe Yiyoung want to try dating someone else.... and become More experience..
anyway I'm sure there will be a lot of annoying situations and that will be frustrating, I was hoping the story would stay nice ..