now why is doyeon’s cigarette tapping SO HOT if y’all hate him so bad i’ll just take...

Jiminbra June 10, 2024 3:32 pm

now why is doyeon’s cigarette tapping SO HOT if y’all hate him so bad i’ll just take him off your hands
and it’s not even a love triangle(yet i guess?) idk what you guys are seeing but i am seriously not getting that vibe at all. like yeah he was brought in for drama but what drama has he actually brought to the table besides hitting on yiyoung? he doesn’t know that yiyoung is attached to/dating daddy kang, and doyeon really hasn’t hit on yiyoung that hard either. all the drama has been over daddy kang’s thoughtless words and yiyoung still being hurt and angry over it.
poor doyeon hasn’t even done anything wrong and you guys want to wicker man him already

    Zombiegirl June 10, 2024 5:29 pm

    He learns that he has a boyfriend and dosent care and still wants to get with him knowing he’s taken

    cocknballtorture33 June 10, 2024 11:03 pm

    He is a cunt tho just wait