Here is the raw sauce https://newtoki340.com/webtoon/35168757?stx=조폭인+내가+고등학생이+되었습니다&title=조폭인-내가-고등학생이-되었습니다

I quite like the drama compared to manhwa which I believe OG Yiheon won't be back (Since Deukpal body was already cremated). In manhwa it seems Se Kyung still in love with Yiheon even it was other person in that body. So i feel so wrong to ship them tho. Unlike At the end of the road, OG Taemin goes to Siwon and met Woojin who had crush on him since young. So i like them both. Also Taemin's revenge for siwon is satisfying same like deukpal did in drama but i couldn't see much in manhwa since the bully scene was done with comedic.
This is my opinion so you don't have to agree nor come to bash me. I watched Kdrama first before I read the manhwa (raw).
Live action~
I quite like the series. It wasn't cringe and the plot blended well with bromance element. I don't ship Se Kyung (seme) with Yi hyeon (uke) unless the OG Yiheon come back to his body. We saw clearly Yiheon pov and mindset wasn't average as se kyung. Well, he's 47 old man so shipping them together even with young body is feeling not right. And the one se kyung had crush to was OG Yiheon not Deukpal. He just feeling guilty and want to make up towards OG yiheon of what had he done. So he helped Dukpal in hope that someday OG yiheon will be back. If you asked who I will ship? Of course Deukpal X Dong Soo. I can't wait them to crush that women.
Se kyung is just creepy. If he likes Yi heon why treated him that way? And wtf is wrong with him? Like Deukpal said, he should done this earlier (before Yiheon sui*ide). Not much plot yet. Just regular BL story. It didn't avenge OG Yiheon as much as Kdrama did. Deukpal totally eat them alive after he saw the video of what they did to OG yiheon. After that bully guy repent, i quite like their dynamic and even ship them lol.
I'll continue watch and read both coz MC is badass! It reminds me of "At the end of the road" manhwa..