I kinda feel that too. I want the ship to sail of course but only at the right time. I don't want Jerry to feel that all of the characters have a predetermined future. If Jerry does end up falling for Ilya, I hope he doesn't feel guilty or conflicted. Especially cause Ilya's love is low-key cute although he does have to work on not being super possessive and overprotective.

yes, we know ml is ilya but i havnt read the raws properly to know how the romance flow into the story before it ends and I dont want to feel like the romance was rushed between the mcs but i doubt that would be possible and that's sad cause I love the story
I did read the last chapter to a certain extent and
they got married
I love Ilya but idk if I want him to be with Jerry
Jerry isn't able to accept the fact that any of the people have real choices and are bound by the game, basically he still doesn't fully accept them as real people nor does he see his current situation as reality but instead as some sort of simulation/game.
I understand the thought process but boy, he needs to open his eyes to how different the people are acting from the guide book and the game characters that he knows them as, because of his influence as a variable.
but since he's the mc, I want him to live getting his ending that he wants which is not to get into any of the character's route so I don't want him to be with Ilya since it doesn't even feel like he could fully trust ilya and build a bond with him. It feels forced if he suddenly realizes he likes ilya and be all over him in a few 20 chapters unless they convince me otherwise, somehow (Since I heard its ending in 66 chapters)
same for Ilya, I love the cutie pie, he'll always be the cute little baby in my eyes and he needs a person who will fully love and trust him and idk about the current jerry being able to give him that