ah yes the classic 'i've dug my ML into a hole&the only way to get him w/FL

Teeth June 10, 2024 12:56 am

is by nerfing her abilities and critical thinking/having her kidnapped/getting on a compromised vehicle/having something fall somewhere/literally any dangerous event so ML can swoop in and save FL'

i hope the suspension bridge effect wipes my readers memories of all the bs that happened so far because she HAS to love him now and reach an epiphany while in danger right? and i won't have to make a decent character development arc right???

    Victoria June 11, 2024 1:15 am

    ...you're so right, omg, I never thought of how cliché it's become to use unnecessary danger to earn brownie points for the junk ML. "Oooh, he was a jerk, but he totally saved her later! That erases it, right?" TBF, in this one I feel like the FL doing something horrible was supposed to offset some of his behavior. I've settled on thinking about them as both moronic jerks who mostly deserve each other.

    I think a lot of these novels are fantasies for people (like my dumbass self) who wish (or wished) their crummy partner would change into a loving partner who would even literally save their lives. In real life (and I would know) it's not satisfying, I still move on, but there's still this fantasy of "what if it was all misunderstandings and we could magically have a happy ending?" Again though... just a fantasy.

    Just, damn, there's so many of us it's become a cliche market demand?! Lmaooo