mc is literally just a victim June 10, 2024 12:41 am

i understand yall but u guys do know what trauma is and how it affects a person right?

Responses June 13, 2024 11:14 am
    I’m not a kid for one. And two if you’re so bothered don’t join the conversation lmao atp you’re just desperate to be included Daiku ♥

    its... literally my comment that you've been replying on? I've just been defending my opinion, i think i could freely join in whenever i want. big talk about desperate the way ur still in my replies trying to win over some mangago argument tho,, lol. but i get it, debating is fun even if u think you're in the wrong

    still, there would be no shame for u to just up and beat it kid, which u probably are or maybe childish? naive? ion kno, u clearly couldn't hav just accepted someone's opinion and instead get mad that we think ur wrong haha. sorry for whatever u felt bc of that, but really either broaden ur genre/reading preferences or feel curious enough to research more about trauma u learn new everyday

    Daiku ♥ June 13, 2024 7:00 pm
    i hope that you can handle whatever trauma may come your way with critical thinking skills. but you clearly underestimate trauma and refuse to recognize that everybody is affected differently regardless of age.... thisislele

    LMAO I have done research that’s exactly why I’m saying this. Y’all are a perfect example of enablers of learned helplessness. This exactly why traumatized people find it so difficult to pick themselves up even though that’s the first step of recovery.

    Also, I hope you’re not as insolent as you just were to me— talking about my life as if you know who I am. This is a manga go comment section, act like it instead of trying to tell other people how their life is lmao

    thisislele June 13, 2024 11:28 pm
    LMAO I have done research that’s exactly why I’m saying this. Y’all are a perfect example of enablers of learned helplessness. This exactly why traumatized people find it so difficult to pick themselves u... Daiku ♥

    enablers insane comment and bold assumption. i also didn’t really say much about your life? i made a truthful statement about how trauma effects real life people and you refused to understand even when i tried to explain better. it was a fairly safe assumption that you haven’t been through something of that magnitude. but my bad for trying to tell you how your life is lmfaoo??? if you don’t get it atp you just don’t get it idk what to tell you.

    EdwardVamp June 15, 2024 3:22 pm
    my guy, u sound too non sensical of the mc's situation and kinda missed the whole story here... sure mc is capable of thinking of himself (we saw that here that he wanted to get to know the director more despit...

    Idk how many of you read raws, but his stupidity is not normal. You keep repeating here that this is his only family and he is someone who raised him. Idk about you, but I can't imagine being repeatedly sexually assaulted by a FAMILY MEMBER and thinking that's normal. Like - would you fuck your younger brother if he came up to you and said he wants to??? After all, this is the most NOT thing in a family, this is a completely basic instinct, you cannot say that it is a trauma lol

    thisislele June 15, 2024 4:48 pm
    Idk how many of you read raws, but his stupidity is not normal. You keep repeating here that this is his only family and he is someone who raised him. Idk about you, but I can't imagine being repeatedly sexuall... EdwardVamp

    the story is literally about a “family member” being obsessively in love with the person who raised him and he’s not traumatized. why is it unbelievable that somebody who is traumatized about losing their partner would basically make excuses and try to normalize the behavior of their only loved one left as to not lose him. he is literally not right in the head.

    EdwardVamp June 16, 2024 2:58 am
    the story is literally about a “family member” being obsessively in love with the person who raised him and he’s not traumatized. why is it unbelievable that somebody who is traumatized about losing their... thisislele

    This story is about a psychopath who literally killed his (maybe?) brother because he is morbidly obsessed with his partner. I ask again; would you fuck your younger brother cuz it's just the two of you and he reeeeeeeally wants it? No, literally and figuratively no, it has nothing to do with trauma, it's such a huge taboo that it's just his stupidity and naivety, cuz there isn't a universe where people don't consider it a transcendence of all radiances (especially considering that he was in a normal healthy relationship, so he knows what it's supposed to look like, it's not like he's never experienced anything, he's 34 years old, my god) and most importantly he raised him; he sees him not only as a brother, but also as "his" child and that's just fucking sick, say whatever you want

    thisislele June 16, 2024 6:08 am
    This story is about a psychopath who literally killed his (maybe?) brother because he is morbidly obsessed with his partner. I ask again; would you fuck your younger brother cuz it's just the two of you and he ... EdwardVamp

    i’m not going to try to explain the strength of trauma to another person who doesn’t seem to want to understand.

    EdwardVamp June 16, 2024 6:24 am
    i’m not going to try to explain the strength of trauma to another person who doesn’t seem to want to understand. thisislele

    Well, yeah, you can't even answer a simple question, so we probably won't get very far in conversation

    thisislele June 16, 2024 10:30 am
    Well, yeah, you can't even answer a simple question, so we probably won't get very far in conversation EdwardVamp

    not my fault it was a stupid question?

    EdwardVamp June 16, 2024 4:23 pm
    not my fault it was a stupid question? thisislele

    What a stupid question? Literally that's what the manhwa is about and when you're defending his decisions it shouldn't be hard to answer, right?

    thisislele June 16, 2024 4:57 pm
    What a stupid question? Literally that's what the manhwa is about and when you're defending his decisions it shouldn't be hard to answer, right? EdwardVamp

    giving reasoning is not defending lol