Is there any where else I can read this with better translations? This Manh...
Help I've read this years ago why was it still in my reading list
I cried like twice wtf I love this
This was my first ever manhua back in 6th grade and it really touched my he...
"Let's be ugly together"
One word, beautiful.
Well sometimes it was way toooo unrealistic, like it's getting ridiculous especially parents reaction, the way his company never stop him from that ridiculous confession on stage especially in a country like china . look even here , it's a shounen ai but we still see freaking butterfly and flowers everywhere when they kiss or get too close to each other bcz china is so hateful and against gays , they even have rules against it so yeah it just so unrealistic but I still loved it bcz of the message and goodness in it.
It gives hope, love and courage to ppl so how can I hate it?!
Anyway fuck China government, communist and lefties
Yk I always had problems with manhua's in general , I liked around 4 manhua btw all manhuas I read in years I have problems with their pacing, short chapters , story telling, unlikable characters and ...
But this one done greatly , it's felt refreshing, young, pure , beautiful, inspiring and sincere.