sigh i hope someone better DOES come along

rea :)) June 8, 2024 11:41 pm

i kinda get y sanho is so mad and super yell-y like if someone just confessed to me "they like me, but dont know y bc they think im the dumbest thing to walk the earth but cant stop the feeling that they wanna kiss and fuck me constantly. AND THEY WANNA DATE ME ? and only have sex ON MY TERMS bc their terms r acc horrid and off putting?" like lmaooo haha nooo you've lost ur mind bro

    Ewol June 9, 2024 1:29 am

    Tak is the worst piece of shit. Sanho is awful too but still deserves better. How can people defend Tak at this point? Nothing was cute or romantic or even RESPECTFUL in his declaration

    Ichigo June 9, 2024 1:36 am
    Tak is the worst piece of shit. Sanho is awful too but still deserves better. How can people defend Tak at this point? Nothing was cute or romantic or even RESPECTFUL in his declaration Ewol