I really don’t like cheating in a relationship. But this is the first time I’ve read a...

Akari June 8, 2024 9:13 pm

I really don’t like cheating in a relationship. But this is the first time I’ve read about someone cheating. And it has me hooked. I think Yuni and Fuuko are gonna be endgame. They both love each other. Though I do feel bad for Nanase I think she tried her best a bit too late. I’m not excusing Yuni for her cheating behavior but she kept making up excuses when she knew she was in the wrong yet gaslit Nanase. Also Nanase is really close with her best friend. And I think her best friend has a crush on her she just hasn’t realized yet. Maybe those two will end up together

    Spiderman July 6, 2024 6:51 pm

    Okay first of all let me say. YOU DONT HAVE FO READ MY REPLY.
    I know they're people who hate when people actually getting into discussions on this site And I know I typed a lot. But this comment without reading the manga yet reminded me of another situation I felt like talking about

    Just by reading this comment it reminded me of a manga I read before, I don't remember the name but it had this couple. Multiple couples. But this one couple the bf was basically a neet. Played games all day and neglected his gf. Didn't do the basic things in their relationship. He did at first but then he just stopped and dedicated his whole life to gaming as a HOBBY. Despite that his gf stuck around and loved him. Not to mention he'd go out with his friend who would purposely invite girls for one night stands. Although he wouldn't do anything..him agreeing to go and just being there is enough of a nono. Especially because the girls never knew he had a gf. That alone was a major red flag. And not to mention the first time he got caught the gf cried upon finding out, confronted him immediately and he promised he'd never do it again. Which he continued to do and got caught again. Both times the gf's best friend caught him. Girls girl lol. Honestly who knows how many times he done it. It only mentioned the two times involving him getting caught in the manga.
    But moving on.....the gf got a new job and got herself a crush. Nothing she acted on. She just found one of her colleagues attractive. The bf saw them talking one day and she was smiling and he started making assumptions, confronted her about it. Started saying she was sleeping with other guys and such. She got fed up and broke up with him. While she was breaking up with him he literally sat there FINALLY thinking about how bad of a bf he was. He tried pleading for her and said he'd do anything but she told him it's too late to try now. When she left he gained self awareness and finally realised he should've tried harder/love her more.
    Honestly felt bad for the guy at the end a little because of the self realisation but the girl definitely deserved better and hopefully she got with her colleague lol