Comment has a fair point of being disgusted and I'm sure in the beginning a lot would have agreed. BUT, these tropes simply are the kinks/fantasies of some and for others not. Roleplay has rape scenarios too, doesn't mean one wants to be raped in reality. Same with manga and reality. And this story taking a more 'healthy' route at the end with consented BDSM and actual love makes it an absolute win. But still fair some people are disgusted, it's not for everyone. And at the beginning it sure was disturbing and enough for people to hate on the whole story.

Yea. My only issue with Myas comment is really that they're not willing to have conversation about it. "could care less about how anyone else feels about this manga unless they agree with me."
So I'm not gonna waste my time on writing why I think this manga is good and worth a while since they're not gonna read it
It's fine not to like it, but I think insulting and shaming others for liking it is uncalled for.

In case they still read the replies I was hoping they might see the other perspective as well and learned not to shame so one-sidedly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I mean their view is valid to have feelings of disgust. But of course no one should ever say that they don't care to listen to other opinions while simply hating on something with their own one. The heat they've gotten was definitly deserved after that kind of statement.
I don't understand how people like tropes like this, he literally drugged him, r@ped him, and took advantage of his kindness. This is disgusting and I personally could care less about how anyone else feels about this manga unless they agree with me.