
In traditional myths there sometimes are forces that intentionally misleading to have things play in certain God's hands (that's what we see in some parts of this story) but we also see these characters (Mikhail) being dumb af and not communicating. Rose- I suspect Rose has communication issues on the basis of having trust issues, and she's human so I don't blame her as much, but the dumb fk that's been alive since forever? Nah, reap what you sow bish
Let me get this straight, correct me if I'm wrong. This story is basically about two people who don't know how to communicate. <As usual>
ML is an obsessive asshole who don't know that it was FL he has been looking for this whole time. And is in denial that he is in love with FL not knowing it is her, so he pulls out the ASSHOLE card of gaslighting her constantly.
FL had no idea it was her he was looking for until she went back in time, still hasn't told him it's her because she's scared of his reaction? God things? idk.
While knowing it's her he has been looking for, and due to her not letting him know, her father dies???
....Why can't they communicate???? Is there's this invisible force that's sewing up FL mouth or something? Did I miss something?