This plot point is getting drawn out…

Mangamadememad June 8, 2024 6:10 am

Where did this stupid deadbeat dad arc come from? I was going along with at first because it was the conflict the author chose and I still want to trust the progression of the story but now it’s starting to really not make any sense??After his father left him with a huge debt and only came back into his life when he found out that he came into a large sum of money.. in what world would Sohan REALLY think that him and his father want the same thing?His father doesn't want him he wants his money.

Sihwa planning to go back to his home while Sohan STILL lives with his deadbeat dad.I thought surely after his father assaulted Sihwa with the golf club Sohan would snap or something but no he keeps making excuses.. I’m tired. Where is the story even going at this point? We started from Sihwa trying to find his father and realizing after having a hunch that he was dead.So it’s like ok what now? oh Sihwa couldn’t find his dad so let’s have Sohan’s deadbeat dad find him and take over the whole plot ??

I understand character development takes time and that there was a little mention of it from Sohan’s boss that Sohan’s different than he was when he first met him. ( from the flashback) Does Sohan really not see anything wrong with his father going behind his back to ask for their deposit back and deciding things in his own?? He’s not a child anymore he needs to throw his father back out onto the streets where he found him.
