this story is trash but let's not pretend that bl is any better

A2Z June 7, 2024 8:33 pm

bl readers will swarm straight smut talking about how bl is better meanwhile all the trashiest and cringiest bl are constantly trending on the front page also y'all will talk about how the anatomy in straight smut is bad yet the women drawing/writing bl don't even know how gay male sex works LMAOOOO a lot of ya'll need to get off your high horse

    cum stain June 7, 2024 8:33 pm

    Womp womp

    jojo June 8, 2024 2:04 am

    i think you are failing to recognize the main reason why this particular story is actually being swarmed- the goofy looking art.

    and good or not good anatomy has to do with the artists skills, it has nothing to do with the authors intention to depict/portray realistic or not realistic sex, so you are equating to unrelated topics.
    and its not just most gay porn, but most porn in general isnt aimed to be realistic, its aimed to be idealized.
    like do you seriously think THIS is a realistic portrayal of straight sex? hell no
    so seems like YOU need to get off your high horse.

    (im sure this story is shit given that it looks like its basically just porn, but if a bl had this same weird uncanny valley shiny art style, it would probably get made fun of too, just saying)

    A2Z June 8, 2024 9:38 am
    i think you are failing to recognize the main reason why this particular story is actually being swarmed- the goofy looking art.and good or not good anatomy has to do with the artists skills, it has nothing to ... jojo

    reading comprehension really is at an all time low bc I was clearly talking about the things bl readers say about straight smut in GENERAL

    which is why you need to redirect your energy to bl fans who go on straight smut whilst conveniently ignoring that bl isn't drawn that accurate either nor is it portrayed correctly but ik you won't

    ofc ik this isn't how straight sex works but since you clearly missed the point i'll spell it out real slow - bl fans will go on straight smut and say for example "this isn't how vagina's/dick's work" yet will read bl where the gay sex isn't portrayed properly or will say "women/men don't look like that" but will read bl where the men aren't drawn properly

    if this was bl the same bl readers who are making fun of this would be hyping it up bc it's evident they have double standards when it comes to bl

    ZAA June 8, 2024 3:42 pm
    i think you are failing to recognize the main reason why this particular story is actually being swarmed- the goofy looking art.and good or not good anatomy has to do with the artists skills, it has nothing to ... jojo

    u are so real for this

    Olly June 9, 2024 1:46 am

    hehe,no I've read better smut than this,like way better.i laugh at this fr

    jojo June 9, 2024 11:04 am
    reading comprehension really is at an all time low bc I was clearly talking about the things bl readers say about straight smut in GENERAL which is why you need to redirect your energy to bl fans who go on stra... A2Z

    ah yes, the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, kind of makes your bio really ironic lol.
    You are indeed talking in general, but under a specific story. That implies this story is very much part of that general talk. I am simply pointing out that there is an actual specific reason this particular story "got swarmed" which totally gets overlooked and dismissed by your general talk.

    "you need to redirect your energy to..."
    well no, because my issue rn happens to be with you.

    In that "real slow" explanation you only talked about unrealistic portrayal, which is different than your original post, so idk if that is a pitiful attempt to gaslight or simply the fault of a poor choice of wording in your initial post.
    original wording: "y'all will talk about how the anatomy in straight smut is bad yet the women drawing/writing bl don't even know how gay male sex works"

    "y'all will talk about how the anatomy in straight smut is bad" implies you are talking about criticism of artistic skill.
    "don't even know how gay male sex works" implies you are talking about unrealistic portrayal.
    Those are two separate and unrelated topics, hence my point on the false equivalency.
    So im going to make something clear to you: bad anatomy or sex =/= unrealistic anatomy or sex.

    and that last paragraph of a very baseless claim to make.

    A2Z June 9, 2024 12:17 pm
    ah yes, the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, kind of makes your bio really ironic lol. You are indeed talking in general, but under a specific story. That implies this story is very much part o... jojo

    There are multiple reasons why this story was swarmed since y'know there are different users saying different things so no, my point isn't dismissed.

    your "issue" w/ me is calling out the blatant hypocrisy of obsessive bl readers yet i bet you scroll right on past when you see bl readers doing the most in the comments sections lol

    keyword - IMPLIES which means you missed what I was saying and you clearly don't what what anatomy means. Notice how I said DRAWING/WRITING bl which also is a criticism of art skill. So yes, they are related.

    baseless claim to make yet go on any straight smut (or straight romance in general) and most of the time you will see commenters spout ThIS iS wHy I OnLy ReAd Bl meanwhile their profile will have the toxic bl but sure ok

    Delano June 10, 2024 9:17 pm

    As a BL reader I completely agree with you

    Kuru-Chan June 11, 2024 9:54 am

    BL has nothing to do with the fact that this specific manga is trash lmao, seems like ur too obsessed with BL to be thinking about it when this is the comment section for a straight adult manga...embarrassing. Wait until u find out 90% of straight hentai know jack shit about women's bodies and how they work lmaoo. Even women themselves get their own bodies wrong. Get off ur high horse.

    Kuru-Chan June 11, 2024 9:55 am
    BL has nothing to do with the fact that this specific manga is trash lmao, seems like ur too obsessed with BL to be thinking about it when this is the comment section for a straight adult manga...embarrassing. ... Kuru-Chan

    This is coming from me who loves actual female gaze straight hentai.

    A2Z June 11, 2024 2:59 pm
    BL has nothing to do with the fact that this specific manga is trash lmao, seems like ur too obsessed with BL to be thinking about it when this is the comment section for a straight adult manga...embarrassing. ... Kuru-Chan

    what's embarrassing is you not using your brain bc why else would I mention what bl readers are saying if they weren't in the comments doing what i'm talking about which is literally the point of my post reading is fundamental

    the irony of you calling me obsessed when i wouldn't even care if y'all would stick to reading bl but for some reason y'all need to constantly comment how bl is supposedly better on straight smut/romance unprovoked

    I know straight smut isn't accurate nowhere did I say it was but the POINT is bl readers suddenly having standards when it comes to straight smut

    i love how all the hit dogs are hollering in the replies tho

    Kuru-Chan June 11, 2024 11:54 pm
    what's embarrassing is you not using your brain bc why else would I mention what bl readers are saying if they weren't in the comments doing what i'm talking about which is literally the point of my post readin... A2Z

    You clearly don't read BL bc ALL comments of trash smut BL has SO many complaining about it. BL readers are always complaining about things, and a lot of gay men read BL too so ofc they'd complain about unrealistic say gex. Ur fighting against urself bc the argument has no basis

    Kuru-Chan June 11, 2024 11:55 pm
    what's embarrassing is you not using your brain bc why else would I mention what bl readers are saying if they weren't in the comments doing what i'm talking about which is literally the point of my post readin... A2Z

    And wtf is a "hit dog"

    jojo June 12, 2024 12:12 am
    There are multiple reasons why this story was swarmed since y'know there are different users saying different things so no, my point isn't dismissed.your "issue" w/ me is calling out the blatant hypocrisy of ob... A2Z

    are there multiple types of readers in this comment section? ofc
    are there multiple reasons this story got swarmed? not really
    its clear as day this story gained (negative) attention and got swarmed because of its weird art, if not for that it would have just been another trashy porn lost in the sea of trashy porn. this is not about your point being dismissed, you dismissed the point.

    my "issue" has never been you calling out obsessive bl readers.
    my issue is clearly where you did it and how you went about it.
    and if i see a bl reader being insufferable or hypocritical, i have no reason not to call them out on it, i have no bias in this.

    yeah keyword implies...sentences literally have implications, if the words you strung together imply something you didnt intend, that means you dont know how to properly articulate your thoughts.
    drawing skills have nothing to do with intentions to draw realistic smut or not realistic smut, they are not related, that is literally one of my original points because in your very first post you made a false equivalency there.

    when i said "baseless claim" i was clearly referring to what you said about how these same bl fans would hype this up if it was bl, like thats just not true lol.
    good art has always been an important factor (maybe a little too much) in bl.
    so this type of art would not be hyped up if it was bl lol.

    on an unrelated not, i find it interesting that i almost NEVER see any type of bl reader talk shit under good straight romances (or at least straight romances that i consider good.) but that is just be my personal experience.

    A2Z June 12, 2024 8:41 am
    You clearly don't read BL bc ALL comments of trash smut BL has SO many complaining about it. BL readers are always complaining about things, and a lot of gay men read BL too so ofc they'd complain about unreali... Kuru-Chan

    Okay cool good for them but we're talking about bl only readers being in straight romance/smut comments sections preaching about they only read bl which begs the question, why are bl only readers obsessed w/ a genre of romance they don't even read and is apparently worse in their opinion?

    Argument has no basis meanwhile bl only readers will have the most toxic bl in their profile and will suddenly have standards when it comes to straight romance/smut

    A word of advice - if you're going to reply to something at least read what the person wrote to avoid looking like a circus try reading slowly or out loud and use your pointer finger if you need to follow along bc your replies have been giving 3² = 6

    hit dogs hollering is an expression google is a free friend

    A2Z June 12, 2024 9:19 am
    are there multiple types of readers in this comment section? ofcare there multiple reasons this story got swarmed? not reallyits clear as day this story gained (negative) attention and got swarmed because of it... jojo

    You have an issue w/ me calling out bl only readers on a straight smut where they doing exactly what I'm talking about lmao ok

    Making a direct statement isn't an implication. If I say "I like cheese" that isn't implying that I like cheese, I'm directly saying it. If you think I'm implying something that I'm not, then that's on you

    Yeah this def would be hyped up if this was bl bc it's not about the art when it comes to bl it's about the obsession w/ gay sex no matter how it's drawn or depicted

    Olly June 12, 2024 2:34 pm
    You have an issue w/ me calling out bl only readers on a straight smut where they doing exactly what I'm talking about lmao okMaking a direct statement isn't an implication. If I say "I like cheese" that isn't ... A2Z

    damn it's been like 5 days! yall been talkin for 5 days, damn.

    Kuru-Chan June 13, 2024 1:35 am
    Okay cool good for them but we're talking about bl only readers being in straight romance/smut comments sections preaching about they only read bl which begs the question, why are bl only readers obsessed w/ a ... A2Z

    Ya'll so mad ya'll be writing essays lmao, it's the internet chill out. And no, idc about using google bc the term 'hit dogs' is only used by such a miniscule number of ppl in the world. The person who got offended in the first place is OP, when they could've just ignored it bc literally I see almost no comments about these supposed "BL readers". Maybe ya'll should stop clicking on everyone's profiles and stalking them??? How do u know these same BL readers don't criticize or know the same things they read are also bad?? I can criticize smth that I like reading. And if you're asking why ppl are on this comment section, it's bc this manga is literally on the front page and this happens to EVERY single manga regardless of genre that is on the front page. You won't be seeing these "BL readers" on any other trash straight adult manga that never appears on the front page bc they don't go out of their way to seek it.

    Kuru-Chan June 13, 2024 1:37 am
    damn it's been like 5 days! yall been talkin for 5 days, damn. Olly

    Op has an obsession problem fr

    Kogahazan June 13, 2024 8:21 am
    Ya'll so mad ya'll be writing essays lmao, it's the internet chill out. And no, idc about using google bc the term 'hit dogs' is only used by such a miniscule number of ppl in the world. The person who got offe... Kuru-Chan

    Says the one writing whole paragraphs

    The one arguing w/ themselves is you bc your sad attempts at strawmanning my arguments are hilarious

    hurr durr WaIt uNtIl yOu Find Out StRAiGhT SmUt iSn'T aCcUrAtE when not once in any of my responses did I ever say it was

    then bringing up bl comment sections when the topic is hardcore bl fans pedestalizing bl in straight smut comments sections unprovoked idc about bl only readers who don't do what I'm talking about

    You never see it yet people are agreeing w/ me soo...

    And lmao @ you acting like you've never been on someone's profile before

    Obsessed yet still replying to my post lmao ok