now that I reread it again, I understood Takeo more. There were a few panels that show when he started to fall for wako, but it’s so quick that it’s easy to miss. And he’s the kind that straightforwardly says what he’s feeling so we(and wako) think that he’s not serious about it. But he tried to convey his feelings seriously, that was wakou realisation at the end.
For Ao who was his gay awakening, he moved on pretty quickly, it’s more like Shingo made him saw Ao romantically and then looked at their relationship and thought it’s possible between men too.
For me too, when I first started to like the same gender, of course I wouldn’t consider my close friends first as a potential partner, instead think of a hypothetical person who could be. Takeo was like that too, I think. So he only started to consider wakou after he confessed. But it’s hard to change a relationship when you already knew them for so long.
He started to make moves the only way he knows how to from his previous relationships but at the end realised that not changing much and staying the same is fine too(fishing scene). familiarity/comfort is love too.
And he mentioned it many times that HE wanted to touch wakou. getting wakou used to it was just an excuse. He still respected wakou’s pace because he knew what wakou is like.
And he got jealous multiple times. When wakou said that someday he could find someone who treats him gently and when shingo give him scarf, Takeo got angry. even when wakou invited ao&friends to hang out, he’d rather spend time with less people.
and even when wakou pushed him away many times, he didn’t give up and just move on, he wanted to make it work.
And lastly he always put wakou first without hesitation, and vice versa. If he dated someone else, it would suck for that someone bcs he’d prioritise wakou.
tldr: he’s just the type to not consider something unless it was presented as an option to him.
if wakou had confessed earlier even before takeo realised that dating men is possible, I’m sure he’d fall in love in wakou first
it’s good as it is. it’s pretty realistic but its still…
I desperately need a sequel of them in college from the seme pov because i’m an overthinker like wako lmao.