
Kou June 7, 2024 5:43 pm

What’s up with authors who writes heterosexual stories and make an abusive relationship romanticize? I’m on irene’s side here but at the same time i hate her for always submitting to ciel, like gurl???? Do you hate reject him or you wanna submit your body for him again because he’s your hot ex husband? I don’t think women in real life want to have sex with their abusive husband lol

(Even reading yaoi makes me not tolerate this kind of relationship, i either drop or wait until climax if the lover is or male lead is redeemable)

I don’t care if she’s being dominated but i guess strong female lead or strong women that dominates or refuses to bow down to men are hard to write except the webtoon “To Protect the Female Lead’s Brother” or “Roxana”. Are there more webtoons out there have actual women more powerful than men and not using or submitting their bodies to them???

and another wasted potential is that one webtoon when the female main character had sex with her enemy , i guess the sex is that good to throw away your revenge

    kazis June 7, 2024 6:57 pm

    Straight or not, it's how many women like to see fictional romance. Fictional.
    On one hand, let people enjoy what they want and drop it if it's not to your liking. On the other hand, the amount of romanticized abuse is def concerning. I believe it's some kind of coping mechanism or a habit, but who knows.
    I wish there were more manhwas where the mc understands that this behavior is wrong and doesn't end up with her ex..

    Hooble June 8, 2024 4:44 am
    Straight or not, it's how many women like to see fictional romance. Fictional.On one hand, let people enjoy what they want and drop it if it's not to your liking. On the other hand, the amount of romanticized a... kazis

    I def agree with you. I think in fiction (emphasis on fiction), people, particularly women like the fantasy (emphasis on fantasy) of giving up control,being ravished, etc. It is coping a bit, because on some level you know the outcome so control isn't fully given up. There's some popular video essay that goes on on this topic that idr rn

    I think in manhwas or light novels that can get mega long, there becomes one too many points that the ML essentially gets away with these sorts of acts where it becomes either a bit silly or too real (in a battered wife syndrome sort of way)

    kazis June 8, 2024 7:06 am
    I def agree with you. I think in fiction (emphasis on fiction), people, particularly women like the fantasy (emphasis on fantasy) of giving up control,being ravished, etc. It is coping a bit, because on some l... Hooble

    Yeah, there's definitely a pattern. It became a bit boring at this point