
xqzika June 7, 2024 7:50 am

how did Megumi even end up being a sweet boy with a healthy mindset when his dad’s so disagreeable uggghh YET THE SAME GOES WITH TSUGUMI LMAOOO THEY’RE TOTAL OPPOSITES OF THEIR PARENTS YET SOMEHOW IT WEIRDLY MAKES SENSE THEY TURNED OUT THAT WAY

    Sammychan June 7, 2024 10:49 am

    Megumi seems to be a naturally sweet guy, who likely takes after his biological omega mother (we've never seen the alpha step-mother, she's forever overseas). He followed the rules of society as a child and quickly rebelled when his father revealed how he was conceived.

    Tsugumi's a hot head, and each of his parents are too given circumstances. He's also inherited their resolve to not be bullied by convention. The pipe is for protection of himself and other omegas. He's stubborn, but tends to lack common sense. All the common sense was reserved for his sister. ^^

    xqzika June 7, 2024 5:38 pm
    Megumi seems to be a naturally sweet guy, who likely takes after his biological omega mother (we've never seen the alpha step-mother, she's forever overseas). He followed the rules of society as a child and qui... Sammychan

    so truee, megu’s a champ for not being swallowed by the toxicity around him