I get you, i have questions like this pop up in my head. Like, he said his heart beat so fast he thought it was gonna jump out his chest?
I’m already surprised he has a “heart”, but why would it beat fast? It’s not like he has adrenaline or stress hormones to make it do that. Did someone program him to have such physical symptoms?
But in the end I just think: yeah I guess? Maybe the point was to make the most realistic human copy. So they maybe they did exactly that, fake heart beat, fake breathing, fake tears, who knows what else?
And as far as the story let us know the old dude, is kinda trying to recreate his lover, so it would make sense.
And! When Kid drank soda and was revealed he was an android, because it messed with his vocals. Why? Where did the soda go? If there’s a place it goes by design, then why damage the vocals? And if there isn’t, then how does it not do more harm??? And they have voices via something like speaker, i think it was mentioned. Where is that? In his throat? Then if he gives a bj then the guys dick will ram into a speaker?
Ok.. i will stop now, I should go to sleep. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I wanna know how is he feeling it. Like isn’t his insides made out of metal or something, in the earlier chapters I remember it was so hard for the others to even carry him like i can understand how his pain tolerance is close to humans but it still doesn’t explain how he is… HOW IS HE CUMMING OR EVEN CRYING let me not beat around the bush does he have some body fluids stored somewhere ( ̄∇ ̄")