
Sac of ramen noodles June 6, 2024 6:27 pm

He is such a good manipulator that I’m starting to feel SOO bad for the twin sisters and the crown prince because everyone is going to turn against them based on fucking lies bro like oh my God…… because Juliet was a bitch, but now she is deemed as a saint due to the lies that the MC (her daddy) has cultivated like even her brother now is already hypnotized and on her side instead of the crown prince and the twin, even though Juliet literally used to torment her, this is crazy I didn’t mind the manipulation but I don’t like how you know the good people in the beginning are going to be like portrayed as bad when they’re not bad

    mmm June 7, 2024 2:51 am

    While I do agree with you on some points, I wouldn’t say that there was anyone good. The prince basically had an emotional affair with one of the twin sisters, and that now fiancée knew he was engaged and still was chasing after him. Not sure about the other twin though, but there isn’t anyone who’s good, it only depends on the perspective but looking at it from the bigger picture even in the beginning you can tell that the prince and fiancée were in the wrong and not at all good people. I wouldn’t call Juliette a bitch, she was seeing in real time her fiancée basically cheat on her, I don’t agree with her actions but it’s understandable what she did, the girl knew the prince was engaged and still went after him, so it’s safe to assume she didn’t pay any mind to Juliette and probably treated her like shit. Idkkk tho

    Sac of ramen noodles June 7, 2024 3:26 am
    While I do agree with you on some points, I wouldn’t say that there was anyone good. The prince basically had an emotional affair with one of the twin sisters, and that now fiancée knew he was engaged and st... mmm

    Idrk because to my understanding Juliet treated not only that twin sister, but also like everyone around her awful, and was literally deemed like evil by everyone. It would’ve been one thing if it was just the sister, but it’s like everybody literally considers you a bad person??? I feel like that clearly says that you treated everyone around you awfully, and if anything, she literally is the villainess in the story cause the MC did say that. Also, I’m not really understanding why everyone saying like the twin went after the prince bc like I feel like I didn’t see that anywhere in the story. It just said that he fell in love with her, which I feel like makes sense, considering that Juliet is obviously portrayed as like a terrible person bc the way I see it is like she probably treated people like they were like lower than her and that’s obviously makes you really ugly so I wouldn’t be surprised if the prince wasn’t really feeling her after that. If you ask me, Juliet is evil and terrible, and I am not falling for the MC’s manipulation. He has all of y’all manipulated smh I WILL NAWT BE FOOLED IM STANDING STRONG

    mmm June 7, 2024 6:28 am

    Okay so basically if you’ve paid close attention, Juliette was raised in the temple and barely got out for school and around that time was engaged to the prince I believe, and the only mention as to why she is a villainess is how she treated the sister, there’s nothing about her treating other people lower than her. The twin sister did go after the prince, Sigurd makes a point of that in chapter 6, and the reason he fell for her was due to their interactions so it’s safe to assume she did go after him. This then led Juliette to bully the sister, which led to the rumors and her now hatred from everyone but that’s just because everyone wants to support the prince and his tragic love story, it’s made clear in the first few chapters. The reason as to why she is the villainess, even as the MC puts it’s it, is due to being the princes fiancée like she litterly only torments the sister because she is going after a TAKEN man and I’m not just putting the blame on her cause the prince fell for her while having a whole ass fiancée but like yk. The reason as to why MC calls her villainess is cause she is from the perspective of the heroine but if you look at it from a neutral standpoint, her actions, that are mentioned no assuming she was treating others like shit because only the sister was mentioned, while they are bad they are understandable, she grew up without her father in a temple attempting to be useful to said father and wanting the princes love. The prince even admits in chapter 6 that he didn’t even get to know her because he was with the sister having his little affair like please he admits it himself. She is not a good person but she is not evil nor terrible, and it’s not even the MCs manipulation you can pick this all up from the backstory, and what the other characters say. If you want to believe that it’s fine, stand with your opinion.

    Sac of ramen noodles June 7, 2024 3:22 pm
    Okay so basically if you’ve paid close attention, Juliette was raised in the temple and barely got out for school and around that time was engaged to the prince I believe, and the only mention as to why she i... mmm

    I appreciate the paragraph I love a good convo. You’ve matched my freak. Hmmmmmm good points , good points I fear I’m not sold I need more of the story I’m not gonna lie or I think I need to read it again cause I’ve got to see what y’all are seeing

    mmm June 7, 2024 5:50 pm

    I’ve never read matched my freak, this is so silly but idkkk I would say reread it but more is probably doing to be exposed in the next chapters, but even in the few chapters we have, you can see my points clearly.

    Sac of ramen noodles June 7, 2024 5:54 pm
    I’ve never read matched my freak, this is so silly but idkkk I would say reread it but more is probably doing to be exposed in the next chapters, but even in the few chapters we have, you can see my points c... mmm

    LOL no because you’re right, I do see your points in what’s already been mentioned