We all know this sweetness, but you know what the laziest form a writting is? A story that gets straight to point and doesn't stick the audience to it. Readers tend to forget that Writers were readers first before they decided to write and for webtoon artists its probably more tedious because they have regulations and teams that alter their original ideas a lot so that it can reach farther and won't be controversial.
I tend to read stories with the author's struggles and identity in mind because authors aren't openly transparent about who they are for fear of criticism. The one who wrote this story could be a young girl or boy for all we know, ya know? So try to be open-minded when reading a story you think was 'lazily' written because no story is writen with a calm mind....they're almost always written with a chaotic mind full of anxiety.
You’re very ill informed if you truly believe the comic industry is full of poor independent writers with a dream. Let me break it down for u and give u a much needed reality check; 95% of the industry is under the same companies responsible for mass producing comics which is why u always see the same old recycled plots and artstyle with no ounce of creativity like this shi here. It is done to pump out as many comics as possibles for some quick cash grab but the government is also involved in it to promote certain ideas in their stories such as rebranding males to girls as a brainwashing method to combat the declining birth rates. Their target audience is young naive girls like u.
You lack imagination if you think that the artist and creators aren't feeling burnout trying to mass produce stories for these companies I mean there are so webtoons out their that do very well SPEAK on this very REAL topic as well......unless you are one of the sad creators that is feeling burnt out....no? I didn't really think so- your sad sack bitch ass attitude to geniunely WISE advice proves how young, naive, AND dimwitted you've obviously outted yourself to be you unimaginative waste of oxygen.
And on more thing for the road just some FUCKING FOOD FOR THOUGHT. "If ya don't like the story.... DON'T FUCKING READ IT THEN" Swear you just like to hear your own asshole-ish mouth run circles around your own unoriginal and OVERUSED ASS TAKE HUH?!?!
Don’t be scared and turn back on your replies pathetic sow. You have zero braincells and incapable of forming a single productive thought. Go read some books, get an education and a much needed life. In your free time you may revere ai for mass producing your favorite comics that touch on such deep subjects such as women becoming sows for their husbands lol. I see where your priorities lie and that’s a perfect future for your futile self.
Her reason makes no sense she could’ve ez destroyed her fam without going through allat I call it lazy writing. Hate seeing her go to such unnecessary lengths, she’s above the damn royals I rather she step on their arrogant faces yet she’s already a sucker for them for no reason