Isis They Could Never Make Me Hate You

annoyed_linguist June 6, 2024 7:16 am

TL;DR Isis is a deep and complex character that is more than "spiteful wife who blames victim". She doesn't actually blame Seth for Osiris raping him (she does still victimblame but more in a "why did you talk to me first" way). She also was using Seth as a tool to punish Osiris which is really why her character is so fucked up.

Morally dark gray but better for it (as in she's very interesting and I love reading her POV).


*Actual Comment*

Isis is probably one of my favorite characters in ENNEAD which is pretty controversial given the fandom seems to collectively agree she kinda sucks. And the thing is I also agree she kinda sucks but I think that's part of why she's such a fascinating character.

Something a lot of readers get wrong is the idea that she genuinely blames Seth for Osiris's infidelity but the manga pretty out right tells us that she was actually much more angry as Osiris. The whole "my dead husband" thing was an act and she wanted Seth to be obliterated so Osiris couldn't have him. Also probably because Seth kind of forced her to rock bottom, killed all her women, and hunt her like a dog but punishing Osiris and making Horus king was her primary goal.

What makes Isis such a fucked up and fascinating character is the fact that her desire for Seth's destruction feels less like her trying to punish Seth and more like an honor killing. She was genuinely traumatized by his assault. I encourage readers to go back to the earlier chapters and the chapters where she's talking to Seth and really look between the lines. Isis genuinely loved and cared for Seth. That wasn't just her friend that was her brother. This is speculation but I kind of wonder if Isis thought destroying Seth was a way of purifying him. She hated him but she loved him. Like how she loved and hated Osiris.

She was wrong. The way she dealt with things was wrong (and it's the same for Seth. I think many fans kinda gloss over the fact that he killed thousands of women and children and hunted Isis but the thing is neither of them were ever bad they were broken. So deeply and profoundly broken.

    FurryInSpace June 8, 2024 12:25 pm

    Still she cursed the victim, she could help him and react when he was raped by Osiris and prevent all of this but she did nothing, only cared for her ego

    Ve.nus June 8, 2024 9:24 pm

    Oh I didn't realise cursing and blaming the victim make her loveable. Wow, so majestic, so innocent and so loveable. Wow, Isis, you're the man, the women of my dreams. Please curse me and blame me so i can feel bad about myself

    annoyed_linguist June 8, 2024 9:25 pm
    Still she cursed the victim, she could help him and react when he was raped by Osiris and prevent all of this but she did nothing, only cared for her ego FurryInSpace

    I mean the curse is one thing but there was little she could’ve done to prevent the events that occurred from happening. She was too late to prevent the rape. She was being chased by Seth afterwards for other reasons.

    Like I said in my comment she’s a super fucked up chaeacter. Like she’s not morally good but there’s a lot of nuance to her actions. And ego is involved but it was so much more than that. Go read her parts again and you see she’s carried the guilt of her failing with her this entire time.

    None of the characters are perfect but that’s why this is such a good story.

    annoyed_linguist June 8, 2024 9:34 pm
    Oh I didn't realise cursing and blaming the victim make her loveable. Wow, so majestic, so innocent and so loveable. Wow, Isis, you're the man, the women of my dreams. Please curse me and blame me so i can feel... Ve.nus

    It’s very funny how obvious it is you didn’t read the comment where I say “yeah she’s complex and an incredibly fucked up character, that’s why I think she’s so interesting”.

    Wild that I’m getting called problematic in the Incest Age Gap Rape Manhwa for liking a character that’s not morally perfect. I guess Seth and all the women and children he killed gets a pass. (Seth is a great character and perfect example of an imperfect victim. I love him SO MUCH). Anyways the double standards are double standarding but I can’t say I’m surprised.

    Ve.nus June 9, 2024 5:44 am
    I mean the curse is one thing but there was little she could’ve done to prevent the events that occurred from happening. She was too late to prevent the rape. She was being chased by Seth afterwards for oth... annoyed_linguist

    Little she could have done? LITTLE SHE COULD HAVE DONE? In case you haven't been reading, she was there when Osiris was threatening Seth with Anubis's life. She watch the whole thing. She watch the entire thing go down and did nothing. She had the audacity to feel betrayed by Seth when SHE SHOW HIM GETTING THREATENED WITH ANUBIS'S LIFE. She ran away. If she really wanted to help, she could have shown herself, make her thing Seth has one person he could turn to but noooo she went ahead and tried to kill Anubis and then when she couldn't do it, she curse her whole entire family.

    And to the answer to your comment on mine. Seth was the good ruler of Egypt before the SA and the curse. So if Isis didn't curse him and helped him while she could, he wouldn't do all those things in his grief.

    So in conclusion, all their problems stem from Osiris obsession and Isis being a stupid fucking coward.

    Ve.nus June 9, 2024 5:45 am
    Little she could have done? LITTLE SHE COULD HAVE DONE? In case you haven't been reading, she was there when Osiris was threatening Seth with Anubis's life. She watch the whole thing. She watch the entire thing... Ve.nus


    annoyed_linguist June 9, 2024 6:44 am
    Little she could have done? LITTLE SHE COULD HAVE DONE? In case you haven't been reading, she was there when Osiris was threatening Seth with Anubis's life. She watch the whole thing. She watch the entire thing... Ve.nus

    Calling Isis a coward is by far the most correct you’ve been in this conversation. She’s 100% a coward and I should note that she also curses herself if you go back and read the scene. It’s one of my favorite scenes because it’s so insanely fucked up and you can tell she’s having a complete mental break. It’s also a terrible way of dealing with the situation.

    She arrived at the start of Seth’s assault and the end of the convo. So if you want to put it like that she had a minute or two to react. But in my opinion it was too late by that point. She was too shocked to react. Her husbands infidelity and the assault of her brother (which I’ve said this before but it’s kinda hinted she knew Seth when he was a demi-god/child and likely played a caretaker role at times for him, they were much closer prior the rape) mentally destroyed her in that moment.

    Saying, “why didn’t she just do x” is kinda like how she goes “why didn’t you just talk to me” with Seth. No one was able to think in that scenario and it would be wrong to blame them for not knowing how to react. But we can blame them for how they respond afterwards.

    See the thing is I’m not here to /justify/ things. Seth being assaulted doesn’t /justify/ the brutality he inflicted on innocent mortal people. Isis having a mental breakdown doesn’t justify her curse nor did it justify her attempt to murk the entirety of Egypt. But we can still find these characters interesting.

    BTW you don’t have to like Isis. I don’t blame anyone for not liking her but don’t stand on a moral pedestal and preach at me if you can’t do the same with other morally dubious characters.

    Like I don’t like Osiris but you don’t see me on Osiris simp posts being like “WUGH HE RAPED SETH YOURE BAD” even if I think it’s weird to simp for him. Because that would be hypocritical. And I try not to be too big of a hypocrite.

    Ve.nus June 9, 2024 7:08 am
    Calling Isis a coward is by far the most correct you’ve been in this conversation. She’s 100% a coward and I should note that she also curses herself if you go back and read the scene. It’s one of my fa... annoyed_linguist

    Oh so your saying I'm not correct in saying that she tried to killed Anubis? And now, she's offering Horus's hand in marriage to Hathor without his knowledge or consent, refuse to listen to her sister when she tried to tell her how Hathor has been ruling. The way Hathor was ruling in her stead wasn't any different from how Seth rules and yet she forgave her and then gave her Horus's hands. Talk about being a hypocrite, and after all that preaching about loving Egypt and wanting what's best for it. And for the record, i have never seen someone defending Osiris, like ever. If hating Isis makes me a hypocrite, then I'll gladly be a hypocrite.

    annoyed_linguist June 9, 2024 8:13 am
    Oh so your saying I'm not correct in saying that she tried to killed Anubis? And now, she's offering Horus's hand in marriage to Hathor without his knowledge or consent, refuse to listen to her sister when she ... Ve.nus

    I quite literally said it’s okay to dislike/hate her. Is my English that bad? It’s my first language but here I am asking genuinely because I don’t understand how you saw me say “she did bad things” and that “you can dislike the character” and somehow you read that as “disliking the character means you’re a hypocrite”.

    Let me simplify it for you:

    1. You do not have to like her. You can hate her. I don’t care she’s not real. My original comment was me talking about how I like her and how she’s very nuanced (which does not mean she’s good it just means she’s not a flat character).

    2. I think going onto someone’s post saying they like a morally dubious character and making a fuss while defending another morally dubious character is hypocritical.

    3. Hating Isis is not hypocritical. Bothering someone who likes Isis because she did bad things while simultaneously defending Seth’s actions kind of is.

    4. I am not denying she does bad things. I keep saying she does bad things. Please read the actual comments I made. This is why I said that was the most correct because you keep misinterpreting what I say in bad faith.

    annoyed_linguist June 9, 2024 8:23 am
    Oh so your saying I'm not correct in saying that she tried to killed Anubis? And now, she's offering Horus's hand in marriage to Hathor without his knowledge or consent, refuse to listen to her sister when she ... Ve.nus

    It’s genuinely infuriating having someone put words in my mouth (figure of speech) the way you have. I keep saying “she did bad stuff I just think she’s nuanced” and “you can dislike her” and somehow you continue to be rude and hateful. Because I like a problematic character?

    And then you spin around and try to justify the actions of another problem character. And the thing is I also really like Seth. I think he’s a complex, deep, and nuanced character. He has layers and when we first meet him he’s not perfect and we learn he’s done of awful things but he also has a lot of trauma.

    I think it’s cool that he’s not some perfect angel. I think it’s such a brave writing choice to make his past actions be what they are because a lot of people have trouble sympathizing with people who do bad things but we get to see his redemption journey. We get to see how he makes up for his mistakes. We also get to see how he will deal with the trauma of his rape. And his betrayal.

    But I will never pretend that what he did was justified. I won’t ever go “yeah it was bad but he was raped”. The same way I won’t ever say “okay she did bad stuff but” about Isis.

    None of my comments are defending her. I just wanted to talk about some nuances regarding her character that I think were interesting and gave her depth. I think it’s MORE fucked up that she responded the way she did with the idea that she didn’t blame Seth. I think it’s MORE fucked up that she loved him. I think it’s interesting that she was broken.

    You have been nothing but rude and hostile from reply one. I have been trying to be as polite about this as possible and clarify my intent and you have continued to be rude and hostile.

    FurryInSpace June 11, 2024 12:08 am
    Little she could have done? LITTLE SHE COULD HAVE DONE? In case you haven't been reading, she was there when Osiris was threatening Seth with Anubis's life. She watch the whole thing. She watch the entire thing... Ve.nus

    O wow you just exacly said what I'm thinking xD
    But yes Imo she could help him and prevent everything from happening if she "love him so much" (that she wanted his death and humilated him in front of everyone by not telling the whole truth. If she really loved him so much then she would told the whole truth during the Seth's court, maybe also humilating him but saving him and dirting Osiris name but nooo she couldn't. And what was even the point in reviving Osiris and having sex with him if she already hated him?

    FurryInSpace June 11, 2024 12:14 am
    O wow you just exacly said what I'm thinking xDBut yes Imo she could help him and prevent everything from happening if she "love him so much" (that she wanted his death and humilated him in front of everyone by... FurryInSpace

    Also I do hope she will get her karma, like she is this annynoying character who wants everything the baddest for the main character and after mc suffer the whole series she magicaly get to like him and end happy without any consequences . I really do hope she also will get to suffer because she really is just annyonying bitch for me after all that. I hope Horus will refuse the marriage and tell her that he loves Seth, maybe then they will escape somewhere after taking Seth's curse down and will be happy! Maybe have a child? (I heard author dosen't like mpreg but it would be nice and there are implinations in the manga for that (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ)

    annoyed_linguist June 11, 2024 4:12 am
    Also I do hope she will get her karma, like she is this annynoying character who wants everything the baddest for the main character and after mc suffer the whole series she magicaly get to like him and end hap... FurryInSpace

    I definitely am hoping Horus takes her down a peg. As much I love her she needs a reality check. Also small response to a part in your other comment but I’m someone who thinks you can hurt people you love. She hurts Seth very badly multiple times and she’s wrong for it. I also think she loves him based on her memories.

    Horus also hurt Seth (let’s not forget he borderline assaults Seth early in the series/and Seth also tried to do the same) but their relationship is by far the healthiest which really shows how twisted this family is lol.

    FurryInSpace June 11, 2024 5:28 am
    I definitely am hoping Horus takes her down a peg. As much I love her she needs a reality check. Also small response to a part in your other comment but I’m someone who thinks you can hurt people you love. ... annoyed_linguist

    Yeah let's hope everything will be alright at the end and at least main characters end all happy! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Wonyz June 12, 2024 3:55 am

    I love and hate her, she was def in the wrong but at the same time her reaction makes sense even if I hate it, she couldn’t bring herself to hate Orsis because of her love for him so she projected it onto Seth and blinded herself thinking she was the ‘real’ victim and even though she hates him she still didn’t expose what happened their relationship is so complex bc even know she’s still haunted by what happened, she definitely isn’t innocent but I really hope her and Seth can rekindle bc Seth so clearly still cares about her

    Wonyz June 12, 2024 4:03 am
    I love and hate her, she was def in the wrong but at the same time her reaction makes sense even if I hate it, she couldn’t bring herself to hate Orsis because of her love for him so she projected it onto Set... Wonyz

    There are no sibling bonds in this manwha bc… yk it’s weird with all the couples but in my eyes they’re the closest to having a complex sibling relationship

    Hopeless_shipper June 13, 2024 11:51 am

    I lov you for this. I personally am not *that* fond of her(maat is my fav ), but shes completely over hated by the fandom.

    Objectively speaking, Seth did much much worse. But because he's the protagonist and uwu pretty bottom, people don't really hold him accountable and instead kind of twist it and, as always, manage to blame it all on the woman who was also hurt, like isis just acted out of nowhere.

    Ssssssss June 13, 2024 1:04 pm

    Right, there is not black and white, although this story and characters lean more towards black. Of course, as humans, we tend to look the innocents and sympathize with them, which makes us hold grudge towards the gods and the men. It hurts my heart what these humans had to go through, but Isis once was in the slums as well, with Horus. That was her way of punishing herself. All of the characters bring angst in my heart. I want to hear them out, but I remember their sins. It makes me think of the old Lady at the temple, so innocent and precious who only believed. They all suffered also do to Isis. This is why the story is vastly intriguing.

    erikino June 13, 2024 3:23 pm

    bro this whole reply section is so funny to me , anyway made me realize a new perspective of isis which is cool. thanks pal

    JayJay (I'm back!) June 13, 2024 5:30 pm

    Yay, thanks for this post annoyed_linguist! Isis is one of my faves too, she's got such a great well-done 3D personality: so uniquely, complexly and human-like infuriating! Haters don't realize the very reason they hate her is because her character's so masterfully-written to be this "life-like" infuriating. The more you feel like slapping her silly, the more she feels not like a fictional character, but as if she was a real person. That's proof of the author's skill, hands down.