Such a waste of a great story

Randomowy June 6, 2024 2:46 am

IK that all the comments are complaining about the same thing but I need to pour my frustrations here.

How did everyone get so dumb all if the sudden? She was collecting nobles to support Cesar’s side for MONTHS but with such a dumb trick the empress managed to threaten her, ruin all her plans and somehow “Cesar was all alone in the palace with no one on his side”? Plus she went there all hyped up after that talk with her dad “don’t agree to their conditions, go beat them at their game” bullshit. And then what? She tries to “persuade” the queen with things like “but it’s only the training schedule that my brother has stolen, the runes refer to a dragon, the truth will come out” and when it doesn’t work she goes “AH I LOST”???

And Cesar. What happened to those years he was working hard building his reputation, why did he suddenly become a puppet crown prince with nothing to say if people feared him so much? Plus what about his poisoning, he was spitting up blood and his flesh was rotting, how did they resolve that

How easy it was to bring down that “super powerful empress” was as ridiculous as how easy it was to threaten FL and ML too. The intrigues, planning, politics and it all got boiled down to a plot reminiscent of how a kid imagines what palace beef could be like.

All that build up about the dragon church and I don’t even know who that guy Neo was. One moment he seems like a weird worshipper, the next we find out he was involved in sealing the dragon (or his lover was?) but then again, he seems to have beef with the FL. FL was trying to figure out that church and the role of that magician for years and then suddenly some random dude appeared and spit up everything like an omniscent God himself.

I laughed out loud when I saw the MF queen flying on that dragon. How did SHE suddenly became involved in this? And FL went on a magical journey to her subconsciousness and turns out that all it took to kill an ancient beast was to realize that she lives for the love and is no longer bored!!!

Lowkey disappointed they didn’t resolve her whole lingering feelings for MLs ancestor too. I mean, seemed like they were planning to do something about it but leaving it at “I used to like your grandpa but now I like you” is just weird.

The development of relationship between ML and FL was also so anticlimatic. He literally had more thoughtful and significant engagement ceremony with blondie than FL.

OVERALL I can’t hate it. I loved the characters, the art, how unique the dynamic between the male leads is, rarely a story can make me laugh out loud while reading it. So I still appreciate the story up to a point. Clearly something must have gone wrong and it probably wasn’t the creators fault. Nevertheless, the story still went to shit and I won’t pretend that I prefer to have whatever that is as an ending. I hate to see a good story ruined more than a good story abandoned.

    Nishilolaaa July 5, 2024 7:33 pm

    Wow, that's exactly what I've been thinking haha. Specially the part where they all suddenly went dumb — heavy on the fl. She was so cool headed before and brushed off plenty of crisis like a breeze then she suddenly looses her composure with the empress' threat and went "I'm on wit's end" or sumn like that. Gurl, where did your first life's experiences go? Were there really nothing to help with the knowledge or experiences you've gained in your first life? How did you even survive being the empress/emperor. Crazyyy the plot really went downhill from there.