But thats what soo won Said. She is Not Ready to take the Throne as she was before, weak immature and she didnt know what was going on in the world- the time she saw much Ppl starve etc. Soo won May be the villain but he knew he didnt have much time left so he crafted yona with hak to be stronger and Take the Responsibility to now that she is the Perfect heir to the Throne WITH hak and Not him.

im talking about them never even considering her a possibility. Sure she was weak and spoiled but the prime reason was cuz she was king il’s and the priestes’ daughter. And yeah she couldve NEVER been raised to become even a candidate to rule kouka, but the experiences that she went through because of them ended up becoming the catalysts to her growth. The whole thing started off as an inner political conflict (crimson king’s religion vs non believers and their power conflict in the kingdom) thats why i saw that as a bigger reason than just “oh shes spoiled and bratty”. Matter of perspective and interpretation ig. This is how i read the story, not saying it should be read this way tho
i feel like people are slowly realising that their assumptions due to the political/familial biases was a little stupid of them, cuz now everyone wants her to succeed/acknowledge her as king. İronically they crafted her into the person she is (i mean she raised herself but they created the circumstance ig?) so it all cane full circle