
CabbagePanda June 5, 2024 8:35 pm

In what world? I see a 16 yr old child, not a grown ass adult with like a decade of acting experience. Stg webtoon authors be frightened at the thought of a middle aged woman who actually looks like a middle aged woman

    Chouchou June 8, 2024 4:01 pm

    ... 16?? She looks at least college age. No not 37 by most standards. But you also have to remember that when you have Asian writers/artists their representation is of their culture although they draw "white" people characteristics. Asian people generally look very young until they are quite old. The Japanese people I know, for example, although late 50s look early 30s. Meanwhile, when I first went to Japan I was 15... most thought I was at least 25. But they draw "white" characteristics because that is what Asian culture deems beautiful... they don't deem Asian characteristics beautiful (which is really sad)... they want pale/white skin, big eyes, hair colours other than black etc. So it's not about being afraid to make someone look middle aged... it's that they are drawing what they are exposed to just making it more "white".

    CabbagePanda June 8, 2024 9:47 pm
    ... 16?? She looks at least college age. No not 37 by most standards. But you also have to remember that when you have Asian writers/artists their representation is of their culture although they draw "white" p... Chouchou

    R u really mansplaining Asian people to me rn bro? I don't give a shit if we age with grace, a middle aged woman doesn't look like a teenager ever unless something is wrong with her

    Diplome June 9, 2024 2:32 pm
    R u really mansplaining Asian people to me rn bro? I don't give a shit if we age with grace, a middle aged woman doesn't look like a teenager ever unless something is wrong with her CabbagePanda

    shut upp my mom does lookin like she's in her 20s even though she's almost 40 the writer's asian so pls stfu

    CabbagePanda June 9, 2024 4:53 pm
    shut upp my mom does lookin like she's in her 20s even though she's almost 40 the writer's asian so pls stfu Diplome

    Bitch IM ASIAN so why don't you take your own advice and shut the FUCK UP. They can clearly draw middle aged women but they chose not to and if you're saying that's only because they're fkn asian, gtfo. Yall are weird af for defending an artistic choice with race

    CabbagePanda June 9, 2024 4:58 pm
    shut upp my mom does lookin like she's in her 20s even though she's almost 40 the writer's asian so pls stfu Diplome

    Also I blocked ur underage ass. The amount of dumbassery to put your age in your bio and then supplement that by how old ur mother is.

    Chouchou June 10, 2024 11:00 am
    R u really mansplaining Asian people to me rn bro? I don't give a shit if we age with grace, a middle aged woman doesn't look like a teenager ever unless something is wrong with her CabbagePanda

    1. So you assumed my gender... and were wrong
    2. How could I possibly know you're Asian? I apologise for assuming you were someone unfamiliar with Asian cultures but that was how your comment presented yourself
    3. I never said it was right for them to be presented that way... simply was trying to educate on why that is the norm in manga as someone who has background information in that topic
    4. Explaining is not the same as mansplaining
    5. Thank you for teaching me that we can block people... as I have now done to you

    GhostBear June 16, 2024 1:07 am
    Also I blocked ur underage ass. The amount of dumbassery to put your age in your bio and then supplement that by how old ur mother is. CabbagePanda

    I fucking followed you bc of this, you're so snarky I gotta follow.