No actually the reason it's a "great" topic of discussion with your friends is because it's so good! don't think that you'd be discussing "Man Who Dug The Hole" with your friends and having so much fun. Jinx is so entertaining that it's compelling read. That's why it literally set the whole world on fire!

please say sike. like i said on my previous reply, people talk about “the room” a lot, but not because it’s an amazing piece of cinema with phenomenal writing, but because it’s so bad it’s good. This is literally a colleen hoover book, but korean. Ofc everyone are allowed to have their own opinion, so if you think this is good than i won’t change your mind on that, but i’m just explaining to you on WHY people keep reading this even though they don’t think it has good writing. things that people read ironically can still be a good topic of discussion.
I hate jinx i hate this manwha so much but ever since it got on hiatus the funny memes stopped so now i need it back so that i can make fun of it again. (Especially wanna make fun of JK