As a person who knows what's gonna happen in the next 4 chpts. It's hilarious to read all...

Recina June 5, 2024 6:38 am

As a person who knows what's gonna happen in the next 4 chpts.
It's hilarious to read all your guys comments
Definitely brightens my days

    Kathy June 6, 2024 2:52 am

    please spoil me

    Recina June 6, 2024 3:49 am
    please spoil me Kathy

    I won't spoil too much but I'll only spoil the parts with Dongsik

    No one believes Dongsik about what he said but Cirrus caught wind of Dongsik trying to ruin his reputation. So Cirrus privately talks to him and warns him not to mess with him anymore. Angered by Cirrus and wanting revenge he follows/stalks Cirrus around to get proof that Skylar and Cirrus are dating. Since Skylar has been grounded and exams are coming around, they haven't been hanging out as much. Frustrated by this, Dongsik looks for other ways to ruin Cirrus. Then had an idea to involve Chanil. It hasn't been revealed what it is yet. :>

    Kathy June 6, 2024 8:53 am
    Spoilers......I won't spoil too much but I'll only spoil the parts with DongsikNo one believes Dongsik about what he said but Cirrus caught wind of Dongsik trying to ruin his reputation. So Cirrus privately tal... Recina

    thank you omg!

    Zuki June 6, 2024 11:49 am
    please spoil me Kathy

    A big misunderstanding between cirrus and chan il lol