As of S3 she is indeed right next to her ex, as she ran away with zero notice to her perfect husband. The ex ended up going along with her and the father, while her ex traveled with them. She doesn't say a thing to her husband and basically abandons him because she is an idiot. Her ex is a serious r*pist, I can't forgive this nonsense and dropped it.
Everything started with her asking for compensation for her dirty ex, while paying attention to hom over her husband. As well, she caused the incident that activated the emperor's wrath with the compensation Event she demanded for her ex. EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT, unbelievable right? Had a perfect life and she just had to become a dirty sl*g.
(⊙…⊙ )She absolutely doesn't deserve her perfect husband after this.

I agree with you wtf
It’s not like FL has a choice here, she travels with her father and he doesn’t know her and James past. And she doesn’t wasn’t to make her father uncomfortable with unnecessary drama.
People just looks at this with black and white mentality and start to name call without checking anything all. Like children fr.

No it's not, it's insulting. I'm a recovering r*pe victim myself. People who justify this, they insult our struggling with this. It's why I get so angry about this being used as a plot device.
Like why? Why make them go back to being around or make them sympathize with the abuser?! Wtf back to you! People who are like, they can't help it? They absolutely can, if you have real PTSD. The thing here, she causes everything and literally PLAYS the victim. Aue already got out of her situation, THEY'RE MAKING HIM SYMPATHIZED WITH THROUGH HER! It's a d*mn redeeming arch for this *ssh*le through her! Stupid. He's supposed to be the second ML, while she figures herself out this S3. I already know. I didn't think think they would be so dirty in this novel or webtoon to do this, white washed PTSD as if it's to be ignored in compassion to your abuser.
You don't worry about their clothes, about their life, about their family, about their COMPENSATION for something - IF THEY ABUSED YOU. She's playing the victim, having done this and abandoning her real husband to be around her abuser at this point. No one in real life does this and it was disgusting to see. I'm blocking the people who defend this. Period.

Agreed, totally thought I was safe from this garbage redeeming of your abuser for an arch in the story. It did reach chapter 83 before she really started sympathizing with him. What a waste of my time.
I'll tell you right now, I knew from beginning that James the abusive ex was the one turning back time, at cost of his lifespan. He just always had to be abusive towards her, in each timeline he dumped her back in and so no redeeming him. I won't forgive him or her for sympathizing.
I knew ahead that it was him, disgusted with how they are trying to redeem him though and how they made her retarded through sympathizing with him. Wasn't impressed and dropped it immediately when the new Focused on her interactions with this abusive ex and her dear John to her real perfect husband was the limit for me. Gross(⊙…⊙ )

Just because you're a recovering rape victim doesn't give you a pass to be a horrible person. Doesn't give you the right to say," she deserves the ex husband that abused her because of this and that." You're just as horrible as the people who victim blames women who got assaulted. You're absolutely vile and disgusting and you being a rape victim doesn't give you any right to be misogynistic and an asshole. I have been assaulted when I was young at the age of 4 and when I was 19 but I don't go around calling women degrading names because they didn't do what I expect them to do. You're horrible and disgusting and no justification can make it all better. Get some professional help because you're fucked up even to my standards.

and the fact that you're blocking people because you won't allow other opinion but yours? Yeah, you're a rape victim but that doesn't make you less of a narcissistic and self-centered. You're a lost cause. It wasn't even about defending the FL it's about you making misogynistic rhetorics and in you're head it's us defending the FL. GIRL GET SOME HELP. You're entitlement is seeping in and it's not even about the story anymore. You're not a good person. You're as worse as your rapist

Congratulations, you're self centered and ignorant. This was my comment, not someone else's who you decided to extend your ignorance too. This bs of defending abusive relationships is disgusting and I have real life experiences unlike your ignorant self.
Honey, get psychiatric help, it's very obvious you're vulnerable to these types of relationships if you can say that. Blocked, have a decent life and if you experience anything like this.....I hope you suddenly gain common sense. Not my problem, go preach elsewhere. You're comment is what a wife beaten victim would say. I tried helping three of them in my past and all three were a wasted effort who tried dragging me down with them. Gain some common sense! Lmao, I care not about anything you have to preach about.

It's was a known thing that people abandoning their partner did, leave a letter or something similar in a Message saying "Don't look for me, as I'm leaving for xyz reasons...." Usually happens out of nowhere, men can do it too, but they basically come home to find out they were abandoned with zero notice and informed by a very insincere method by what they thought was their life partner.
She did exactly that to her new perfect husband... smh, outta nowhere and traumatized him obviously. It may not be slang used much anymore. I'm old, lol. (=・ω・=)
Ridibooks to find novel. Trash og ML tho new is awesome, however as of chapter 83 she's an idiot who no longer deserves him.
I hate this dirty MC, she defended her r*pist ex-husband and brought all of S3's Conflicts down on herself. She did her new Husband completely dirty even defending this trash ex and getting him compensation he wasn't entitled to in this timeline, just caused her entire dirty situation. She just had to open her dirty slutty mouth about it, again defending her ex r*pist husband. Dirty idiot MC. Lost all credibility and comes off as a sl*g. Now she ran away from her perfect husband, during the time after she did this dirty crap the emperor was trying to divorce her from him. She literally caused everything herself by being a dirty sl*g who definitely has feelings still for her r*pist. Like I can't even put up with this nonsense anymore, she deserves everything she got and will get for her consequences..... dumb*ss deserves her ex husband.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づJames the ex husband r*pist is right next to her start of S3, dirty sl*g. Dropped because of MC and ex trash deserving each other by End. Unbelievable garbage and waste of time.