I don't know what went wrong with Legs That Won't Walk. Dropped it right around the time the ML does a complete 180 and chains up the MC and goes batshit insane. Saw it was still going but it's all side stories of MC getting fucked by ML and the rapey tattoo guy. Now he's pregnant. It's like, what the fuck? THANK GOD I left when I did.

Bro the seme is genuinely horseshit not even maggots would crawl by Dan this pathetic ahh delusional old man bro like dude you're fkin 30 ffs be fucking for real like dude not only do u get raped and shit you're like omg wait he loves me uwu bitch the fuck?? and bro the only reason people eat it up is because it's the author of bj Alex(which was actually good with a decent plot) the fandom will eat it up as long as the art style is good I swear y'all if shit was ugly the ratings would not be this high why the fuck does this shit even get the fame I will never understand this shit (︶︿︶)=凸
The author also has the audacity of like Yaa this hoes finna eat it up anyways so let me make him an asshole and make a chasing arc, the more the suffering the better the chasing. Brother. WHAT. SHE'S PLAYINNNN AND WINNING. also ain't no way Dan's pathetic ass is getting anything done. I'm so done ffs

Im still so mad at Roses and Champagne because of that one chapter LIKE WHY?!?! I was so interested with the plot and the chemistry between the characters and then the author decided to go on the rape and gun violence route wtf goddamn it now i can't bear to read it.
speaking of rapey stuff, i also enjoyed reading Honey Trouble because i love the childhood friend trope, although it has a sus plotline i still read it and somehow enjoyed but goddamn that lastest chapter WHYYY?!!! CONSENT IS KEY!!! CONSENT IS SEXY!!!!
lastly i know this isnt BL but im angry now!! I HAVE BEEF WITH WINDBREAKER MANHWA!! i've read 100+ chapters and i had to stop reading because BOYYY WHY IS IT SO STRESSFUL LIKE DAMN?? i feel so bad for the characters because they be having problems coming left to right, one after the another!! like one problem hasnt been resolve yet but another will come. AUTHOR CHILL BRO!!! those are highschoolers like why cant we have a bunch of teenagers just enjoy biking or cycling and friendship and love and family and rainbows and sunshines. so much drama damn.
UGH I HATE IT SO MUCH WHEN a story has SOOOOOOOOO MUCH potential like good plot good art good characters but the author decides to ruin it by one mistake. STOP!
Just slander stories like jinx, POTN, love is an illusion and all that bullshit under this comment