Don't Open, There's a spoiler below.

Azi June 4, 2024 5:24 pm

ctto : chileylimon
source : NU

Spoiler : The love potion and the start of their 'relationship'

She was threatened by the emperor so that's the reason why she has to kill Lionel, the night where she has to kill him she realizes that he doesn't die easily so she tries to kill him by poisoning him (surprise~ it wasn't poison but a love potion). She runs away because she thinks there was something wrong with the poison and quickly realizes it's a love potion bc of how different Lionel starts acting. Fast forward, everybody is looking for her in the empire bc the emperor found out she didn't kill Lionel (he actually wasn't hoping she would kill him bc he knew he can't die, but more on that later) and is trying to kill her and Lionel is also looking for her (bc love). She is trying to escape to the 'Black Land' (where monsters live/were sealed) but when she's resting at the western (?) part of the empire she gets caught by the son of a commander or something like that,his name is Achiraf, remember!. Anyways— Lionel gets there and takes Atalanta with him and shoots the one who shot her and tried to capture her.

Spoiler: Lionel protects Atalanta, marriage proposal

Lionel takes Atalanta to the Grand Duchy so she'll be safe there and the emperor won't do anything to her, she agrees bc she doesn't want to put the members of her organization (Argo) in danger and she's sure she'll get in contact with them when she's safe enough (she has a communication device but so far hasn't been contacted). Okay, by now everybody knows the Archduke is in love and crazy about her, almost nobody outside the Grand Duchy knows she's the most wanted villain 'Atalanta' but the rumor about the Archduke falling in love with a woman is known and even the emperor knows (just doesn't know it's her hihi) - the Grand Duchy's chamberlain, Pearl, doesn't accept Atalanta and they kind of set an agreement that Atalanta will leave the Grand Duchy later on.

The symptoms of the potion are powerful because Lionel is basically a puppy and looks like a fool for Atalanta, like fully in love. Atalanta might be a 'villain' but she knows what's right and wrong and she knows that what Lionel feels for her is fake and those feelings are not sincere - however she's being swayed by all of his actions but she's just denying them bc she knows that if she lets herself be loved she'll want to clung to those feelings (she's starting to have feelings for Lionel very early on in the novel, even though she denies it).

Lionel is planning to take Atalanta to the capital so she can have her debutante and also show her off (he actually wants to ask the emperor for a special pardon or something) so she needs new dresses, etc. The makeover arc. That's where he finds out about her rose tattoo and that even though she's a villain she's still ashamed of that, and doesn't want to wear clothes that show her back.

Lionel has said that he wants to get married to her but ofc she's like no, you don't actually love me (she thinks he doesn't know about the potion but he does, she's actually trying to get the antidote so she'll leave him and everything goes back to normal - she feels guilty for lying and fooling him). But he's like just think about it ~ faaast forward, they get to the capital, everyone is shocked to see Atalanta at the debutante ball (she's actually coming of age that's why Lionel takes her to the capital so she'll experience her debutante like any normal girl) and they start talking shit about how she's just a villain and what the hell is she doing there. Everyone shuts their mouth when they see Lionel, the emperor arrives and math isn't mathing for him and Lionel tells him that he wants to ask him to pardon Atalanta (the Grand Duchy's has one favor that can be used once in a generation - immunity, be it treason or whatever, so Lionel decided that he wanted the emperor to pardon Atalanta and make her a free woman yay! No more running away) the emperor agreed bc ofc what else can he do lmao. Atalanta sneaks out of Lionel and talks to Esma (a noble girl she saved before and as a payment she gave her the 'poison' which is actually the love potion she made before to give to her crush - Paolo from the Union fam) she tells her wow imagine if u gave the wrong bottle to your crush, you could've killed him (and she's right tbh, put a damn label on it), she tells her she needs the antidote asap bc the Archduke is delulu and Esma is like why don't u let stay that way he actually looks happy .

Spoiler: Proposal, wedding, Atalanta's thoughts and Honeymoon

Everyone realizes that Atalanta is probably the next Grand Duchess and they confirmed that bc after two days Lionel proposed to her. He proposed at a party in the imperial garden, fireworks and all. There are more details that I'm just going to skip, read the novel if you want to know more bc we need to keep it going!!! Atalanta accepts bc she's like, well, it'll all work out somehow, she actually tells him that she'll divorce him later bc she knows that he's just forcing this marriage on her and he's just like I don't care ~ The chamberlain, Pearl, is like girl WTH I thought you said you were leaving?! And she's like chill, I'll leave, I just don't know when. (Spoiler on Pearl - he's actually the missing Prince from the Pale Kingdom, who's supposed to get married to Diana, the princess of the empire. Lionel knows he's the prince and that he wants revenge on the empire, why? Idk that actually never was clarified on the novel lol)

Atalanta is silently falling in love and she knows that if she accepts those feelings she'll be damned bc she might want to let Lionel stay like that even though she knows his affection is a product of the potion (wrong but ok). They get married and everyone is there, even the Argo members were called. They're like wow they're really in love (wrong again) and that is the same perception of all the guests bc after their vows Lionel kisses Atalanta very passionately (first kiss if I remember correctly). At night Atalanta is like, time to have sex! Wife duties! I didn't come into this marriage empty handed! And Lionel is like no let's do it when you actually like me a little. In the meantime one of the Argo members, Yuffie or Juppie, is questioning his colleagues about this 'marriage' and why Atalanta is kissing a man. He's supposedly very dumb and even though is older than Atalanta he acts like a child bc of traumas and whatever (wrong again, goddamn!!).

Back to their 'first night' they fall asleep together and when the maids and the chamberlain see them they think omg they're really in love even though they didn't do the did, everyone thinks a baby might come soon bc everytime they are interrupted them or the maids hear behind the door they're always making sounds (Lionel said that they should have a new tradition - kissing the place they're insecure or that they don't like about themselves, something like that, and so Lionel kisses Atalanta's back and she has to kiss him on his cheek - on his mole - but he doesn't let her do it and they start to struggle, hence, the noises and the weird postures lol). Anyways, Lionel keeps asking everyday if Atalanta likes him even just a little, he assured her that she'll get to love him by their next anniversary and if he doesn't he'll grant her divorce. She's like not today buddy, but these same scenarios keep repeating and Atalanta realizes she actually likes him quite a bit, so she can't answer as easily as before and she starts to distance herself from him.

Lionel notices and takes her on their 'honeymoon' trip, but it's more like going to check one of their territories. They go to Muzank (?), and arrive sooner and Lionel is wearing a disguise (blonde hair, green eyes) and since not a lot of people know Atalanta she doesn't need one. They stay at an inn as a newlywed couple and start touring the small city. Atalanta is really attracted to Lionel and she realizes that even though he has different hair and eyes she still recognizes him and can only see his smile and eyes (apparently he looks different to other people, but only those with a strong bond or relationship can still see his features). She comes to the realization that she's really in love and wants to bask in those feelings even for just a moment, she knows the antidote will make him forget this feelings and that'll be the price she has to pay for trying to kill him and fooling him (again, she thinks he's completely clueless about the potion).

They bond over the little trip and at night they attend a 'truth festival' where the people of the small town make confessions. Atalanta and Lionel share some of their past and she tells him about her adoptive father, her guilt from her days being a villain and the people she killed and she also realizes once again that she really likes him. She doesn't want to keep denying and regret like in the past so she confesses and they kiss. They go back to the inn and have their first night.

Spoiler: Confession, antidote and secrets

So yeah, thump thump, 아아악, and 으응. They have their first night and they get a complaint the next morning bc of the loud noises. The chamberlain arrives and they head to their mansion. Once they get back from their honeymoon, their relationship seems to have gotten stronger. The chamberlain, Pearl asks Atalanta what the hell??? You traitor. I thought you were leaving and she's like mmm sorry, I'll leave but not soon. And he's like actually can you stay? Lionel is a better ruler and seems happier so can u not go I'm sorry for being rude heh and obvs Atalanta has already made up her mind that this is temporary even though she loves him, he doesn't and once he drinks the antidote he'll even kill her.

So yeah, things happen, and Lionel becomes even more possessive, Atalanta realizes that there are times when Lionel becomes darker and his feelings are more broad, not only lovey dovey words. She's like, I like this side better bc he doesn't seem like a fool drunk on the potion. There's one time (or several) where Lionel tells Atalanta that if she is fooling him/lying to him she has to lie to the very end, that she shouldn't get caught and Atalanta gets panicked because she thinks Lionel knows. She contacts Esma about the antidote and Esma tells her that she needs an ore (?) And apparently that thing is extremely rare and hard to find but she'll get it somehow, Esma tells her that maybe it's okay for Lionel to stay that way and Atalanta just can't be swayed anymore.

Meanwhile, Diana the princess is staying at the Grand Duchy bc the emperor sent her to communicate with Atalanta, she's there bc she was 'attacked' by her brother Crown Prince Amphion (staged by the emperor, she's a puppet but planning on treason) and is recuperating since she was badly injured, like - the emperor dgaf about his children. Atalanta at first didn't know why the princess was there but ofc Lionel and her were suspicious, she later realizes that the princess is there bc of her, so she confronts her and the emperor takes over her body (something about magic, she doesn't know what they talk about but only complies with her father, I mean what else can she do) and tells Atalanta that he'll give her a second opportunity, that he knew Lionel wouldn't be able to die but only wanted to test her ability to come back unscathed. He'll give her a territory if she puts a small artifact that looks like a marble inside the room of the Archduke, it won't harm her only him. Atalanta doesn't not accept or refuses but tells him that she can't trust him. She's actually thinking of finding what that marble is for and how it affects Lionel. She wants to act like a villain and take the hand of the emperor but she knows she can't since she loves Lionel.

She contacts Sysiphus (?) An ex member of an underground organization like hers and also her 'half brother' - he's not blood related but was adopted by Atimas too, their adoptive father (an ex mercenary). She tells him that she needs to know what that marble is for and he tells her that as a payment he wants her (surprise! He's in love with her!) And she's like a boy if you don't STFU - he leaves and Lionel comes into the room and he knows someone was there. Later on, she can't find the marble and finds out Lionel was the one who took it.

While the princess was staying there, her conversation partners were Esma and Paolo - yes Miss potion girl and her crush. They start their relationship once they're in the Grand Duchy since they can be alone from their family as much as they want (their family are enemies). Anyway, remember the ore she asked Atalanta to get? Lionel can get it for her (obv Atalanta doesn't tell him for what) and they travel to part of the territory where there are a lot of warehouses that are hidden by magic or something. Sorry I didn't put a lot of attention in that part lmao - the thing is!!!! Lionel tells her that the Grand Duchy actually has a lot of resources but they aren't known to anyone else that isn't the heir since it's more advantageous that everyone thinks the Grand Duchy is poor and decaying each passing day. Then he gives her an ore, they're like a gift that keeps on giving since they grow back every time if u don't pull out the root - however, the source of it's never ending growth is Lionel's vitality. This shocks Atalanta and she becomes depressed. Lionel tells her it's ok since he can't really die. Atalanta gives the ore to Esma so she'll get the antidote ready, Esma tells her she can have it done in a week but Atalanta tells her it better be done in a month since she'll need time to prepare.

her (when she was wanted by the empire) she's like oh? Achiraf? And the assistant chef is smiling. At that moment Atalanta starts vomiting blood and loses consciousness. While she's dreaming (?) and unconscious, Achiraf appears in her dream and tells her that this is all to avenge his father - since he lost a leg (thanks Lionel) and died not long after. He then tells Atalanta that she's not going to die since he can't kill her because she did him a favor by helping his wife and his baby. When Atalanta wakes up, she sees Lionel sitting in front of her bed and a bloody Sysiphus lying below him. He's like so he's the one that was her before huh where you cheating on me??? She's confused and Lionel doesn't give her much of an answer, she thinks that if she didn't tell Sysiphus to find out about the marble this wouldn't have happened (Lionel killed him bc he turned into a monster by the emperor, he was caught while searching information about the marble). That's when Atalanta decides to run away because she thinks she has to find a way to protect Lionel from his curse. Lionel doesn't stop her and just keeps staring at the window where she jumped.

late buddy we are on the princess side. She basically clings to his back and tells him she won't go away. They make up and have lots of sex! Yay!

After their reunion, everyone assembles like the avengers at the Union (Paolo's) mansion and start planning how to bring both factions on their side and the better way to dethrone the emperor. When everyone is frying their brains, there's an urgent message that the heads of some noble families were being hanged in front of the imperial castle for planning treason and the crown prince was murdered, allegedly by the deceased son (Jupiter) of the emperor's mistress. Atalanta and Lionel are the ones that go straight to the imperial castle.

Spoiler: Bye bye emperor, Yuffie piece of shit and ending

A little context on the imperial family: the emperor Caesar has two children, crown prince Amphion and princess Diana. Both are children of the empress, however the emperor had a mistress before he even got married to the empress, and had a son with her, Jupiter. The mistress is a monster and the emperor fell in love with her and because of certain rules and whatever, she couldn't be a concubine and instead was only recognized as a mistress. Their son is half human and half monster. Now - the mistress, Cristiana, never loved the emperor, she married him so she can take revenge on her race that was 'sealed' away. This plan is passed onto her son, Jupiter, she tells him that he needs to ascend to the throne and avenge her mother's race. Jupiter is like meh, whatever, I don't have anything better to do. The first step on the plan is for his mother to die. Jupiter does it by telling the empress that his mother is a monster and where she should aim so she'll die for good. The empress kills the mistress and the emperor loses its wits. He's completely devastated since he regarded Cristiana as the love of his life (he actually preserved her body with some magic yuck). Later, the empress decides to kill Jupiter bc maybe he'll want to get revenge??? It backfires because Jupiter kills her. Jupiter is accused of killing the empress and is captured by Lionel. He 'dies', the end. The emperor ofc switches bodies and frees Jupiter, Jupiter tells Caesar that if he knew about a silly little story that if you eat the heart of a Thessalian (imperial descendant) that has drunk monster blood you'll live forever, the emperor is like omg what I need to bring Cristiana back to life! And Jupiter tells him that the one to drink the blood should be Lionel, so yeah, the cause of Lionel's misfortune is the fucking son of the emperor which, turns out to be Yuffie. He picked Lionel just because he was a little envious of his perfect life and how righteous he was. Teehee~ so silly. Jupiter leaves the imperial family and changes his appearance with a device similar to the one Lionel used before to conceal his identity, that's why when Atalanta 'rescues' him from an illegal fighting ring she never thinks he might be royalty (since only them have black hair and blue eyes). He falls in love straight away with Atalanta and finally understands why his father went to such extremes to keep his mother by his side.

Fast forward to the present, the emperor was the one who actually killed his son - he tried to make him drink monster blood but wasn't able to survive the effects. He's like tsk, tsk what a useless bum. The imperial castle is full of monsters (servants) bc of Amphion and Lionel and Atalanta fight them so they can get to the throne room where the emperor is.

They arrive at the emperor's throne room and have verbal fights, then he releases some more monsters and that's when they realize that Lionel is not healing at all. Yay! His curse is lifted! He's not immortal anymore, the emperor - once again - loses his shit because he has lost the one thing he's been waiting for, to bring back to life his beloved Cristiana. He starts grabbing Atalanta by the hair while she fights monsters and is reproaching her for making Lionel fall in love with her lol. Jupiter arrives and cuts his father's neck, that's when Atalanta finds out about Yuffie being Jupiter.

Lionel is hurt badly and fainting, Jupiter is like Atalanta you only need to come with me , he basically goes off on everything he did, his background, mom's spaghetti, and the reason for Lionel's curse - him. Actually idk what he was thinking, confessing that he's the one who made Lionel that way lol Atalanta is furious and starts attacking him. Jupiter is only entertaining her because he wants Atalanta to relieve some of her anger. They fight some more, Atalanta faints, Mia arrives, Jupiter wants to eat Mia, Dwen also arrives (Argo member) and wants to shoot Jupiter but even though he's the one that makes the weapons is ass when fighting. Lionel somehow takes Dwen gun and shoots Jupiter in the heart, and finally kills him. This is a really touching scene but he basically just faints lol.

Atalanta wakes up and finds out that Jupiter is dead, and Lionel hasn't woken up, Mia confesses that Lionel actually drank a little bit of her blood when he fainted so she doesn't know if that made Lionel's curse come back or if it interfered with his health. She nurses Lionel for months and he never seems to wake up. She goes out to find some flowers for him - mind you, in the middle of a snow storm - and when she's out, she hears him calling for her and there he is, open arms and all.

Spoiler: Side stories, but not really

The side stories are basically their happy married life, Atalanta drinking a potion similar to the one Lionel drank before and Lionel meeting a monster that seems to be his father in law. Atalanta is pregnant at the end of the last side story . Also idk if it was deleted, but I saw a spoiler that said the one who became emperor was Amphion but that's wrong, it's Diana the one who ascends the throne and Pearl, her ex-fiancé is his secretary.

    Hikari June 5, 2024 5:12 am

    damn that’s crazy

    Mayonaise_Chicken June 10, 2024 8:49 pm

    Well thank God I read this cause damn this is way better

    natsuhi June 11, 2024 8:40 pm

    I'm still slightly confused. So did the love potion work or nah? And did it just wear off but he fell in love anyways?

    Replica June 12, 2024 8:49 pm

    Hollly are you sure you want to do this for free? I mean thank you but this is some serious hardwork. But thank you so much tho

    littleme0808 June 13, 2024 3:45 pm

    thank you so much for the looong spoiler

    kajalkamble June 28, 2024 5:41 am
    I'm still slightly confused. So did the love potion work or nah? And did it just wear off but he fell in love anyways? natsuhi

    I want to know too

    Cher June 29, 2024 12:53 pm

    Oh wow, tysm!!!

    Cokit September 8, 2024 12:45 am

    It all goes wack when she jumps out that window

    fujo_leslie September 20, 2024 12:31 am

    Wow thanks so much for the spoiler!