Now, to lighten the horrible mood this chapter put me in, since I binge read this in 4 day...

Oyaoyaoya June 4, 2024 1:55 pm

Now, to lighten the horrible mood this chapter put me in, since I binge read this in 4 days, I'll compliment the some side characters I like :

*Togame Jo is sex on legs. (Long hair, short hair, idc)

*Hiragi is MVP (dude's literally EVERYWHERE, doing EVERYTHING)

*Tsubaki is a fashion icon (and so fucking cool like wtf it's unfair)

*Suzuri's happy face is brighter that my future (he's such a cutie pie)

Pls feel free to add compliments to other characters so I can forget that Sakura might be about to "sasuke" rn
