Ok More Spoiler Alert
Ml wants MC to come back and he wants to cure him but MC refuses. And the side Ml asks MC to go back with him to his hometown and MC accepts the idea but then side Ml gets the news that his father is sick or something and had to rush back to his kingdom promising MC that he will take him back in few days and they part ways. While saying goodbye to side Ml in wilderness MC suddenly collapses. The two scholars from before find him and they both want revenge, so they throw his body in a coffin. Meanwhile the ml and MCs family goes crazy to find him but they couldn't find him. After few days or something MC wakes up and find himself locked in a coffin with a dead lady and a living baby, the dead lady gave birth to the baby. He adopts the baby and walks out of there. He doesn't go back to his family because he is going to die soon anyways so better be known dead now. He starts life as an old beggar with a baby to feed. While ML sticks bounty on him and anyone who finds MC will get lots of money. Life for mc gets more tough as he begs and gets kicked daily while he nurtures the baby.
I feel bad for spoiling so much( ̄∇ ̄")
Please spoil me after that....the Son(Ml) need to suffer...