rapey but feely

cal June 4, 2024 1:21 am

rapey but feely

    Phime June 4, 2024 3:37 am

    My thoughts exactly. I'm so conflicted! I love that they're communicating but hate that some of it is “no” and “stop” to which “nope” is being replied.

    LadyMay June 4, 2024 7:46 am
    My thoughts exactly. I'm so conflicted! I love that they're communicating but hate that some of it is “no” and “stop” to which “nope” is being replied. Phime

    Because the top is in rut that his rational side is overpowered by his animalistic urges to spent his rut with the omega. It's still twisted but the only explanation that I have.

    {=^_^=} June 4, 2024 9:19 am
    My thoughts exactly. I'm so conflicted! I love that they're communicating but hate that some of it is “no” and “stop” to which “nope” is being replied. Phime

    He did warn him…idk what you guys want. The bottom knew what he was getting into. He’s there and doing this by choice.